Hello Jim,

Use a framework like Log4j which has lots of different appenders in
addition to the FileAppender and RollingFileAppender.  If you really
want to log to file, then provide a <context-param> for the location
of the files.  Then you can override that with server-specific config
such as with the <Parameter> element nested in a <Context> entry for
your webapp.  This way, your config files in your webapp never change.

You could check out some stuff I wrote for the Barracuda project and
have been submitted for inclusion in Log4j's new sandbox distribution
(yet to be distributed).

Here is the servlet context listener to set up and clean up log4j:

Here is the custom repository selector used by the context listener:

documentation is provided in the Javadoc for the context listener as
far as what to set up in your web.xml.  If you have any questions, you
can email me privately.

Note that the context listner is smart about whether file IO is
allowed to the current webapp.  If so, it logs using
configureAndWatch() so it sees changes to your config file.  Useful
for development.  However, it also knows when it can't access the file
system and sets things up accordingly.  The only thing you have to
remember is to set the appropriate appender up in your configuration

Oh, and this allows you to put log4j.jar in a shared classloader
(along with ContextClassLoaderSelector) and use it for logging all
your apps without stepping on each others logger repositories.  They
are all separated, keyed by classloader.


Tuesday, February 04, 2003, 2:06:30 PM, you wrote:

JC>    Thanks.  This answers my question, but I'm still left with the 
JC> impression that I'll need to go beyond the WAR format if I want to write 
JC> to a log or flat file DB (i.e., non-temp application file).  Also, since 
JC> containers don't guarantee support for an unpacked WAR (are there any 
JC> containers that truly don't support this?), putting conf files that 
JC> change after deployment in the WEB-INF seems a little sketchy.  At the 
JC> minimum, it adds the hassle of extracting and re-archiving the conf file 
JC> to every edit.
JC>    My impression is that WAR was designed around the best-practices 
JC> scenario of having web app instances that don't save local state to the 
JC> filesystem, but use a DB or some J2EE storage mechanism, for ease of 
JC> clustering.  Such apps would probably get their conf from a JNDI resource.
JC>    However, I still think that the correct location for log files is 
JC> resolved in this scenario.  Those of you using WAR along with file logs 
JC> -- where do you put them?

JC> Thanks,
JC> Jim

JC> Jacob Kjome wrote:
>> Put stuff that isn't supposed to be accessed via the web under WEB-INF.  
>> You can create whatever directory structures you want within that.
>> In order to obtain access to a file under WEB-INF in a completely 
>> portable way, use something like...
>> getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/myproperties.xml");
>> As far as writing stuff to your webapp, there is no guarantee that you 
>> have access to the file system other than a temporary directory 
>> designated for your webapp by the servlet container.  You only have 
>> access under Tomcat because, by default, it exploded .war files to 
>> directory structures and then serves the directory structure.  However, 
>> webapps can be deployed entirely from a .war file, in which case you 
>> can't use File IO within the application structure.  I am acutally 
>> looking for a way to be able to write directly into an archive such as a 
>> .war file.  If you happen on any info on that I would love to know about 
>> it.
>> Check out the servlet api.  You may be surprised to find a lot of 
>> methods like this that make dealing with webapps quite easy.
>> Jake
>> At 01:42 PM 2/3/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>   I have a question about the WAR directory structure.  Namely, where 
>>> is the appropriate place to put configuration files, log files, and 
>>> other files that need to be read/written-to by my application?  
>>> Clearly putting them in the webroot isn't right.  Can my application 
>>> access arbitrary files under WEB-INF?  How?  I know that conf files 
>>> can be put in the classpath (e.g. WEB-INF/classes), but this seems 
>>> like the wrong solution for files that will change after deployment.
>>>   In the past, I've used the technique of creating my own application 
>>> root, which contained a webroot/ directory in the WAR format, and 
>>> pointed the servlet container at that.  I used servlet parameters in 
>>> the web.xml file to specify the location of the application root to my 
>>> servlets, so that they could access my conf/log files.  This works 
>>> fine, but forces me to 'embrace and extend' the orginal WAR concept.
>>>   Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim Carlson
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 Jacob                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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