You can bind your resources in <GlobalNamingResources/> in server.xml, but
you must <ResourceLink/> to the global resource in each <Context/> where you
want the resource to be accessible.

PS:  JNDI is read-only to web applications because of catalina.policy.  You
can always change the permissions.  :-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 07:49
Subject: Binding to Tomcat 4.x JNDI context

I'd like to be able to bind an object to the JNDI context during the
initialization of a servlet so that other servlets (within other webapps)
can find it. The java:comp/env directory is read-only, so where is the best
place to bind? If I bind the object in the context root it seems to be only
visible from within the same webapp; I would like to share this object with
anyone in the container.


Karl Moss

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