If your machine has no development environment, you're basically out of
luck.  Apache modules are version-sensitive.  .43 and .44 are module
compatible, but earlier versions of Apache are not compatible with modules
compiled for later versions.

All of the binaries that I'm aware of are for .43/.44.

I do know that RH announced that they had backported all of the Apache fixes
in .41, .42, .43, and .44 to their .40, but I haven't tested it and have no
idea if a JK/JK2 binary compiled against .43/.44 will work with their munged
.40, assuming you've applied all of RH's updates.  My guess is, it won't.

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but the recommended
configuration is .44, not because of Tomcat and/or Tomcat connectors, but
because of the Apache fixes (including some security fixes) between .40 and
.44.  If your machine doesn't have a development environment, it sounds like
it will be a production server, so keeping current with httpd fixes is
probably the way to go.  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Boorshtein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:51 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Best Way to Connect to httpd 2.0.40?
> Hello,
> I am trying to setup tomcat to work with apache 2.0.40 on a redhat 8
> machine.  I tried mod_jk but, apache sys it's not compatible. 
>  Is there
> a way to build mod_jk for 2.0.40?  Is there a binary?  I would REALLY
> prefer not to compile apache, as the machine does not 
> currently have any
> development libraries installed.
> Thanks for the help
> Marc Boorshtein
> -- 
> Marc Boorshtein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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