Hi all.

I have a small dilemma regarding CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE environment. Why are all loggers set to have a default dir ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs? Shouldn't it be ${CATALINA_BASE}/logs?

At the moment, I am building a Tru64 UNIX package of Tomcat 4.1.18. Tru64 has a recomendation to distribute all files of one package into three separate groups:

/opt/${PKG}     - boot/startup files, kernel modules
/usr/opt/${PKG} - readonly files (files users will not normally change)
/var/opt/${PKG} - changable files (tmp, logs, spool, data,...)

With this philosophy, I have distributed tomcat like this:

ROOT: startup files
USR:  ./bin
VAR:  ./logs

Now my problem is in setting up the environment. CATALINA_HOME should be USR, while CATALINA_BASE should be VAR. This doesn't work for logs. I know I can manually set all loggers to log into VAR area. My question is: is there some mistake in my view of how things should be setup? IMHO, logs belong to VAR area.


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