Ok, I have some kind of a strange behavior here.  I have tomcat 4.0.18
running, tied to apache 1.3.27 via mod_jk.  Seems to work fine.  I'm in theh
process of migrating my installed webapps and I run into something strange.
I've got a a servlet (com.cdi.scsd.tty.servlet.XSLTServlet) which is in my
jar file (tty.jar), that jar file is in the webapps WEB-INF/lib folder.
However when I try to access the servlet via
/servlet/com.cdi.scsd.tty.servlet.XSLTServlet I get a 404 error.  I've
unjarred the file to make sure the class is there, and it is.  I've put the
unjarred files in the the WEB-INF/classes folder, still a 404.  I've checked
to be sure I'm not missing a jar file or something from the old install,
which I don't appear to be.  I checked the startup options from the 3.3.1a
version, nothing.  Does anyone have an idea where to look next?

mike jackson

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