Well, I've got just that. VMS will track every file accessed from JAVA (called file 
When set, I can see that JSPC first looks at descendant, then ascendant directories, 
until it reaches /examples. It probes /WEB-INF, then goes on...

The fact that JSPC sets the default uriroot to ../examples, confirms it found the 
WEB-INF directory. the 
web.xml file is there:

$dir DSA1:<APACHE.JAKARTA.TOMCAT.webapps.examples.WEB-INF>

Directory DSA1:<APACHE.JAKARTA.TOMCAT.webapps.examples.WEB-INF>

classes.DIR;1       jsp.DIR;1           web.xml;1

And, when run with -uriroot explicitely defined eg

jspc "-v4 -webinc check.xml -uriroot /dsa1/apache/jakarta/tomcat/webapps/examples 
-webapp ."
JSPC runs just fine:

2003-04-04 09:01:21 - Class name is: checkresult
2003-04-04 09:01:21 - Java file name is: 
2003-04-04 09:01:22 - Accepted org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Declaration at
2003-04-04 09:01:22 - Accepted org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Bean at /jsp/ch
2003-04-04 09:01:22 - Accepted org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$SetProperty at
directory listing after jspc:
Directory DSA1:<APACHE.JAKARTA.TOMCAT.webapps.examples.jsp.checkbox>

check.html;1        check.xml;1         checkresult.java;1  checkresult.jsp;1
CheckTest.html;1    cresult.html;1

so the plot thickens... This appears to be linked to the -uriroot switch processing

Marc Dufresne 
OpenVMS Ambassador 
Pre-Sales Large Accounts 
HP France 
( : + 33.1.5762.5413
 e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > 

-----Original Message-----
From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 8:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: JSPC for TOMCAT 4.124 generates unexpected "internal error"

Ok, well, one technique you might use to diagnose what's happening here
is to use some tool for monitoring I/O operations, like "truss" on
Solaris, or "FileMon" on Windows.  You can search for references to that
file name, and it will tell you what directories it is looking in.
Hopefully that will give you a clue to why it's not finding it in the
directory you expect.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dufresne, Marc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> the lower case is an artefact of GNV (BASH shell for OpenVMS)
> The actuall directory name *IS* in caps
> when watching JSPC do it's file search up the tree, it does in fact
> the directory porperly.
> next?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Normal behavior.  You need to change "web-inf" to "WEB-INF".
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dufresne, Marc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > I'm doing a simple test to compile the checkbox JSP from the TOMCAT
> > examples with the -webinc switch
> > The JAVA and XML files are properly generates but jasper complains
> > (unexpectedly ) that the web.xml file is no found
> > here is  the output fragment:
> > 2003-04-04 04:21:34 - uriRoot implicitly set to
> > "/dsa1/apache/jakarta/tomcat/web
> > apps/examples"
> > 2003-04-04 04:21:34 - Internal Error: File /WEB-INF/web.xml not
> >
> > Check the web.xml file is really there:
> >
> > bash$ pwd
> > /dsa1/apache/jakarta/tomcat/webapps/examples/web-inf
> > bash$ ls
> > classes  jsp  web.xml
> > bash$
> >
> > OK, spurious or normal behaviour ?

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