I'm having a problem with code that is trying to use a Resource (DataSource)
registered with JNDI out of a Struts Plugin at startup time.  I was hoping
someone on the list might have suggestions on how to deal with this.

More specifically, it appears as if the Default Context has not been copied
into the Application Context at the time loadOnStartup servlets run.  I looked
at the startup code and it appears that the copying happens when ContextConfig
gets the start lifecycle event.  However, this event doesn't fire until after
loadOnStartup is called.

Is there a better place to put the Resource/ResourceParams than in the Default

Is it intentional that that the Default Context isn't available at startup

I know the Struts data source would work here, but the classes that are
accessing the database are used elsewhere as well, so using JNDI would be
preferable here.


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