Jamie Nguyen wrote:
> I've compiled and installed ccs-patch and ccs-tools revision 4171. I
> had to apply this patch to build ccs-tools [1].

Oh, thanks. I forgot to update Makefile and ccs-tools.spec .

Tetsuo Handa wrote (before this thread has moved to this ML):
> Jamie Nguyen wrote:
> > Congratulations on the 1.8 release :)
> Thank you.
> > I just wanted to mention that the link found on
> > http://tomoyo.sourceforge.jp/ to the 1.x series documentation still
> > links to the 1.7 branch. If this is because 1.8 documentation is not
> > yet complete, then ignore me! But I just wanted to mention this in
> > case it was an oversight.
> Yes. http://tomoyo.sourceforge.jp/1.8/tuning.html needs updates on
> how to tune patterns. In 1.8, file_pattern was removed.
> One is for simplifying kernel code. The other is for handling relative
> pathnames from mount point (i.e. AKARI without CONFIG_SECURITY_PATH=y).
> In 1.8, converting pathnames using wildcards is up to users.
> ccs-patternize needs some modification for handling relative
> pathnames from mount point. For example,
>   dev(8,1)=/boot/
>   dev(8,2)=/
>   dev(8,3)=/home/
>   dev(8,4)=/tmp/
>   dev(8,5)=/var/
>   dev(0,11)=/dev/
> for handling
>   file create dev(8,5):/tmp/fileA8cF93 0600
>   file write /var/tmp/fileA8cF93
>   file unlink dev(8,5):/tmp/fileA8cF93
> .
> Also, I want to support patternizing only directory part. For example,
>   dir_pattern proc:/\$/
> rather than
>   file_pattern proc:/\$/stat
>   file_pattern proc:/\$/status
>   file_pattern proc:/\$/cmdline
>   file_pattern proc:/\$/exe
> etc. I'm considering string manipulation logic now.

I started to implement ccs-patternize logic.
I added /etc/ccs/tools/patternize.conf and registered some patterns.
Steps to patternize (as of revision 4182) would look like

(1) Save current policy by doing
    "ccs-savepolicy -d > /etc/ccs/domain_policy.tmp".

(2) Browse /etc/ccs/domain_policy.tmp and determine how to patternize.

(3) Edit /etc/ccs/tools/patternize.conf as needed.

(4) Convert by doing
    "ccs-patternize < /etc/ccs/domain_policy.tmp > /etc/ccs/domain_policy.new".

(5) Generate diff by doing
    "ccs-diffpolicy /etc/ccs/domain_policy.tmp /etc/ccs/domain_policy.new >

(6) Browse /etc/ccs/domain_policy.diff and commit changes by doing
    "ccs-loadpolicy -d < /etc/ccs/domain_policy.diff".

Currently, I implemented six types.

Type 1 : Exact pathname match

  file_pattern proc:/self/fd/\$

  will replace (e.g.) proc:/self/fd/0 with proc:/self/fd/\$ .
  This is what it was until TOMOYO 1.7 .

Type 2 : Heading pathname match

  head_pattern proc:/\$/

  will replace (e.g.) proc:/123/status with proc:/\$/status .
  This is intended for reducing number of file_pattern entries by grouping
  pathnames where only directory part needs to be patternized.

Type 3 : Trailing pathname match

  tail_pattern /etc/mtab~\$

  will replace (e.g.) dev(8,1):/etc/mtab~456 with dev(8,1):/etc/mtab~\$ .
  This is intended for CONFIG_SECURITY_PATH=n kernels where we can't obtain
  absolute pathnames regarding directory entry modification operations (e.g.
  "file create" and "file rename").

Type 4 : Exact pathname match with grouping

  path_group GROUP1 /tmp/php\?\?\?\?\?\?

  will replace (e.g.) /tmp/phpZjk1k3 with @GROUP1 .
  This syntax is identical with path_group directive in exception policy.

Type 5 : Exact number match with grouping

  number_group GROUP2 0-100
  number_group GROUP2 100-200

  will replace integers between 0-100 or 100-200 with @GROUP2 .
  This syntax is identical with number_group directive in exception policy.

Type 6 : Exact IP address match with grouping

  address_group LOCALHOST
  address_group LOCALHOST 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1

  will replace IP addresses or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 with @LOCALHOST .
  This syntax is identical with address_group directive in exception policy.

Maybe we want to unify these syntax like (e.g.)

  file_pattern    proc:/self/fd/\$   proc:/self/fd/\$
  head_pattern    proc:/\$/          proc:/\$/
  tail_pattern    /etc/mtab~\$       /etc/mtab~\$
  file_pattern    @GROUP1            /tmp/php\?\?\?\?\?\?
  number_pattern  @GROUP2            0-100
  number_pattern  @GROUP2            100-200
  address_pattern @LOCALHOST
  address_pattern @LOCALHOST         0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1

. Also, maybe we want domainname matching like ccs-auditd's sorting rule.



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