Hello everyone,

I’m Sarthik Gupta (irc: sarthikg), a recent grad from Punjab Engineering
College, Chandigarh & currently working as a Software Engineer at Soroco.
This summer, I’ll be working on GSoC Project: “Tor Weather: Improving the
Tor Network” with my mentors GeKo & Silvia. I’m extremely excited to be a
part of Tor and am interested in working on this project!

Briefing about the project: As of now, if any relay disappears from the
tor-network, no one will know. This causes the network to lose out on
bandwidth from nodes which have been down for hours because no-one knew
they were down. Tor-Weather aims at solving this by creating a notification
service which relay operators can subscribe to in order to get various
types of updates for their relays.

The tor-weather service will offer a plethora of notifications options for
the relays. These include, the node being down, running on EOL/Outdated
version, losing a flag, ranking in top 20/50/100, etc. These notifications
can be subscribed & customised by the relay operators to fit their needs
using a web-frontend.

A detailed proposal for this project is available at:
https://gitlab.torproject.org/sarthikg/tor-weather/-/wikis/Proposal. I plan
to keep this wiki updated with the progress & design decisions taken
throughout the development of the project.

Suggestions are always welcomed! Please reach out to us in irc (#tor-dev)
for any ideas, questions, or suggestions you might have.


Sarthik Gupta
tor-dev mailing list

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