Scott Eade wrote:

> There has in fact been some recent progress with Scarab over at Tigris - e.g. on their instance you can look at issues without logging in. The trouble is that to get the ASF instance upgraded will require more effort from those involved than can be justified. If there was some momentum behind Scarab things would be quite different, but unfortunately this is not the case.

Hi Scott,

sad you feel there is no momentum :-(
Lots of Turbine/Torque users/devs are involved somehow in Scarab (Youngho, Fabio, Eric, comes to mind)

As I've already sent to Turbine's list, Scarab has indeed gained some speed lately, but this should by no means be the reason behind Turbine moving away.

Apache was using a very old version of Scarab, and I'm not sure about the problems it caused. Late as it can be, maybe we should have marketed ourselves months ago (I really thought about offering help for upgrading but... late again...)

As I told before; feel free to ask if you wanted help in the migration.



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