I don't believe you can get this sort of logic to work. Here's 

The "database" name in Torque actually refers to Torque's object
space "database" and not any physical SQL Server database.  The
Torque db name is defined in your schema xml (name attribute on
Database tag).  This name is used as a key to tie a lot of
information together. 

Behind the scenes, there is a fair amount of information embedded
in the generated classes that is retrieved by the database name.
For example, the object database space "meta" data that is
contained in the Map classes is grouped by this database name.

This means that even though it looks like the properties are
just a name that tie in JDBC info together and you should be
able to swap this in and out, they really aren't.  To use all the
capablities of Torque, the database name part of the properties
should map to the schema name.

That said, here's what I do to deal with this situation.  I treat
configuration information as being totally separate from application
code.  It's for configuration after all and so any code updates
should not change it.  So, while I may have a sample config file
checked into the repository, I never have a real configuration
property checked in.

In my code, I initialize Torque by searching the class path for 
the configuration file.  E.g.:

URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(
// Note:  Don't use new URI(url.toString()) 
// - Tomcat will not resolve this!.
String path = url.getPath();
if ( path != null && ! path.startsWith("/")) {
    path = "/"+path;
URI uri = new URI(url.getProtocol(),"",path,null);
return new File(uri);

This lets me have different configuration files for various 
situations, like for junit testing under Eclipse, a development
server using MySQL, and multiple production servers using 
different DB's but all using the same code. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Helge Weissig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:45 AM
> To: torque-user@db.apache.org
> Subject: using a second database
> Hi,
>       I am trying to use a second database but am having 
> trouble accessing  
> it (or configuring it, not sure). Below is what I have so far, most  
> of it taken straight from the 3.2 distribution. When I ask Torque to  
> give me a connection to "oracle", I get the mysql db connection.
> Also and unrelated, I use the generator to create the mysql 
> DB and it  
> seems that I need to use the same name in my DB schema as I 
> do in the  
> Torque.properties file for runtime. Is that correct? Is there a way  
> around it? Having a group of developers develop on their own sandbox  
> dbs and then switching the code to production would be a little  
> easier if one would only have to change that DB name in one 
> place and  
> not in two and on several lines...
> thanks so much for any insight!!
> h.
> # defaults
> torque.applicationRoot = ${applicationRoot}           # do I 
> need this one???
> torque.defaults.pool.maxWait = 10000 
> torque.defaults.pool.maxIdle = 8 
> torque.defaults.pool.maxActive = 10 
> torque.defaults.pool.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis= 300000 
> torque.defaults.pool.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 3600000 
> torque.defaults.connection.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 
> torque.defaults.connection.url = 
> jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test 
> torque.defaults.connection.user = <user1> 
> torque.defaults.connection.password = <password1>
> # first DB, works like a charm
> torque.database.default=test
> torque.database.test.adapter=mysql
> torque.dsfactory.test.factory=org.apache.torque.dsfactory.Shar
> edPoolData 
> SourceFactory
> torque.dsfactory.test.pool.maxIdle=8
> torque.dsfactory.test.pool.maxActive=10
> torque.dsfactory.test.pool.testOnBorrow=true
> torque.dsfactory.test.pool.validationQuery=SELECT 1 
> torque.dsfactory.test.connection.driver = 
> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver torque.dsfactory.test.connection.url = 
> jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test 
> torque.dsfactory.test.connection.user = <user1> 
> torque.dsfactory.test.connection.password = <password1>
> # second DB
> torque.database.oracle.adapter=oracle
> torque.dsfactory.oracle.factory=org.apache.torque.dsfactory.Sh
> aredPoolDa 
> taSourceFactory
> torque.dsfactory.oracle.pool.maxIdle=8
> torque.dsfactory.oracle.pool.maxActive=10
> torque.dsfactory.oracle.pool.testOnBorrow=true
> torque.dsfactory.oracle.pool.validationQuery=SELECT 1 
> torque.database.oracle.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> torque.database.oracle.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@sunfire:1521:actx
> torque.database.oracle.username=<user2>
> torque.database.oracle.password=<password2>
> torque.database.oracle.maxConnections=4
> torque.database.oracle.expiryTime=3600000
> torque.idbroker.clever.quantity=true
> torque.manager.useCache = true
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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