I'm trying to convert an old Torque site to version 4. I'm running into a 
problem with using a count() function. The code looks like this:

      Criteria crit = getCriteriaDogsWithAllTitles( titles, year );

      SummaryHelper summary = new SummaryHelper();

      summary.addAggregate( "count", new Count( DogPeer.DOG_ID ) );
      List<ListOrderedMapCI> results = summary.summarize( crit );

When summarize() is executed, I get a "jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You 
have an error in your SQL syntax" exception. The Criteria is good and works 
fine with a doSelect(). It appears that the summarize converts the Criteria to 
a string without adding in the replacements for the parameters in the prepared 
statement. Also, if I take the string from the queryStatement and replace the 
'?' with values, the statement runs fine from an interactive MySQL session. 
When I compare the code in SummaryHelper.summarize() to BasePeerImpl.doSelect() 
the code to set the replacements is present in doSelect but not in summarize.

What's the best way to report this?

Jay Bourland
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