Hiya Matt and all you Maddies,

>Is the actual song "wonderful" not in the track listing then?

No, it bloody well is not!!!! (grumble grumble - at the band, not you
Matt;-)) I can't get to grips with this prospect at all. I was really
looking forward to hearing the full version on the album after the Maddley
and the live versions years ago. And I thought it would make a wonderful
rousing finish to the album. Unfortunately we have to make do with a
"remix" version on the 2nd CD single of Johnny The Horse. God, that'll be
like a double A-side, and to be honest, I think You're Wonderful is a beter
song than JTH!

Cheers for now,
Dr. Peter T. Gardner
Rowett Research Institute
Bucksburn                                           Tel: 01224 - 712 751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB                          Fax: 01224 - 716 629

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