Hi Andy and All, 

>Actually, the first Nutty Boys comic is probably the most common from 
>what I've heard.

Very easy to get a hold of due to the fact that their Manager at the time
got 250,000 copies printed thinking it was going to be sold in newsagents :O)

>I can only think of one album that hasn't actually featured the 'title
>track'- Elvis Costello's Imperial Bedroom-although I'm sure there are
>many more.

How About 'Absolutely'  or  '7' or 'The Madness'  ;o)


>Andy C.
>> I'd say that would probably be worth about £25-£30. Mind you, it's
>> worth what someone is willing to pay.
>> Stay Mad  8-)
>> Simon
>Ska/Reggae/2-Tone website: www.hilltop61.freeserve.co.uk
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