Good Morning everyone.What a treat this morning on my day off,Madness on the
Beeb singing JTH.Thanks for the tip-off Simon Roberts.No Lee again.Does
anyone know his whereabouts?
After watching Madness,i settled down with my cornflakes and Daily Mirror
and there in the supplement was a review of Wonderful.This is what they
There was a great deal of breath-holding when it was announced that the
Nutty Boys were unveiling their first new songs in 15 years,but thankfully
they,ve delivered.There,s the familiar mix of melancholic joy and ska-tinged
bop,the latter time-warping you back to the Two-Tone days.Whether they,ll
find a new audience second time around remains to be seen.Nice one.
The Mirror rated it 3 out of 5 which i think is pretty good after 15 years.
That's it for now,back to bed for me and you lot out there don,t work too




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