Hello all in Virtual Maddieland,

Well I had a long lie this morning so that I could go to Virgin Megastore
for 9.00am and get the singles. Had a couple of listens to them now on the
old computer at work, so thought I would add my tuppence-worth of views to
that lucky bleeder Vince.

JTH full uncensored version. Great stuff as we all know, and now my 5 Cuts
promo is even more precious to me as it means the politically correct
version will not be available commercially. Cool;-)

I Was The One - I really like this one. Lovely easy-going song as Vince
said. It reminds me of very early Madness B-sides with a bit of Bad
Manners-like saxophone playing from Lee (is it all going pear-shaped for
Lee already???). It also sees the return of the old organ sound which was
very prominent on the earlier Madness tracks. Excellent stuff.

Dreaming Man - I'm stumped too Vince. I'll need to wait untill I get it
home to listen to on a proper stereo before sussing out who's on vocals.
I'm leaning towards Cathal at the mo! Another great song though. Overall, I
think both these new tracks are better than Round & Round from Lovestruck,
and are essential additions to the Mad catalogue. Lee appears to be very
prominent on backing vocals on both tracks. In fact, I Was The One almost
sounds like a dual vocal turn with Lee and Suggs (I think)!

Now onto the REAL business of the two CDs. As I may have indicated before I
was quite distraught to hear that You're Wonderful was pulled from the
album. And hearing the full studio version makes me even more distraught in
some sense. This song is utterly brilliant and Vince wasn't far wrong in
calling it the best Madness single NEVER released. It's certainly the
greatest B-side ever released (by anyone). Out of the 11 new tracks I now
have on CD from Madness (including the B-sides, etc.), this rates in my top
3 alongside Elysium and Lovestruck. Fantastic song and will be sorely
missed on the album. 

BUT, if this isn't considered good enough to be on the album, just how good
does that mean the album is going to be???? And how cool and important does
it make having this CD single??? It makes it one of the most important
Madness singles to have IMHO. And well worth the £3 just for the one track.
As soon as I get the album next Monday it'll be put onto minidisc with
You're Wonderful put on as track No.12!! The way it should've been;-) But
while this is a loss for the album I think the biggest loss will be if they
don't play it live because it's not on the album. This was great live when
we didn't know the song. NOW, it would be even better live. An absolute
stormer of a crowd-pleaser at gigs. It's so uplifting and rousing, it *has*
to be played at the concerts.

Oh, and for anyone who has to order their singles, the one with You're
Wonderful and the enhanced video has the catalogue number VSCDT1740, while
the 3 track CD with I Was The One and Dreaming Man is cat. no. VSCDX1740,
totally screwing my theory that the enhanced CD is usually the *extra* one
with X in the cat.no.!

Cheers for now,
Dr. Peter T. Gardner
Rowett Research Institute
Bucksburn                                           Tel: 01224 - 712 751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB                          Fax: 01224 - 716 629

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