Evening All,
With the UK release finally being here for Johnny The Horse and with me
finally having both CDs in my possession I thought I`d give my opinion on
them, for what it`s worth.

Johnny The Horse
So much has been said about this recently that there isn`t really anything I
can add......so I won`t bother! ;0)

I Am The One
This track could happily set up home on Absolutely! In short it`s definitely
a track that was written to get people dancing! A very bouncy song that at
the very least will make even non-Madness fans tap their toes. The final
note by Lee keeps making me think he was going to go into the opening sax
blast for Night Boat To Cairo and then changed his mind at the last moment!

Dreaming Man
I`m going to throw my hat in the ring regarding the debate on who is singing
lead vocals. In my opinion it is undoubtedly Carl on lead vocals with Suggs
doing backing and the odd line by Lee. If I Am The One could live on
Absolutely, this song could easily be off The Nutty Boys` Crunch! album. I
agree with Vince when he says it`s different to what we are used to from
Madness but then again isn`t it things like this that keep the band so

You`re Wonderful (remix)
This is the one song I was wary of hearing due to that dreaded word, remix!
I loved this song as a live track and wondered if the new version would be
as good.......I needn`t have worried! I think it is much better than the
live version I already have. Where do you start?? Mike is there with the
jangly, thumping piano. Lee is always hovering in the background with the
sax. The instrumental break with the piano and sax taking prominence is pure
unadulterated Madness. There is not a single thing I can say about this song
that isn`t complimentary! I still say this will be a real crowd pleaser at
live gigs, if it isn`t included on a set list there`s no justice at all!

Well, there you have it, that`s what I think of the new single(s). I`m sure
a great many list members were getting as sick as I was over all the changes
to the release date. In conclusion, I can easily forgive everyone of those
changes when the end result is two CDs of this high quality. Lovestruck was
good but Johnny The Horse is better!

Mike H
"Did you see that????"


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