Hey mad-peeps,
        For the past few days, we've all been receiving e-mail about this mosiqa
poll.  Like a good fan, I've checked in every couple of hours or so into
the site, plugged my vote for Madness, and headed on with my day.  After
looking at today's poll, it made me wonder how futile this whole thing is.
Frankly, how credible is a poll on the greatest artists of the century when
Hanson, the Backstreet Boys, and N Sync is run the top three spots?  And
let's not forget to mention The Moffatts at number 32.  Is there some sort
of a prize given to the Top 50 best bands that I don't know about?  Is
Mosiqa some popular trendy magazine with world appeal that I'm not aware
of?  Or is this all a fly-by-night poll that matters to a bunch of 14 year
old girls?  I will continue to vote every once in a while, and I don't mean
to sound rude to those who do vote, but we don't need reminders every 6
hours on how Madness is 11 votes behind Peaches & Herb.  Thanks.

-Mike McGrew (who once lived a half-dozen blocks from Hanson's home
[screaming teenage girls in background])
..................................................Good Day!


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