Subject: False flag ops: penetration of US Gov agencies by dual-citizens in 
positions of either influence or observation potential


 <> Journal: Israel, False-Flags, 
Dual-Citizens, & Smiles 

Categories: Uncategorized <> 


Phi Beta Iota: We have been increasingly concerned by the penetration of US 
Government agencies by a two-pronged Israeli assualt, mixing dual-citizens in 
positions of either influence  or observation potential, and Israeli-provided 
and supported software that vacuum-cleans from within.  To this ugly mix the 
Israeli’s add false-flag operations–we believe 9-11 included both an Israeli 
false-flag operation and the active advance support of Dick Cheney, Rudy 
Guliani, and Larry Silverstean, as well as members of the Bush family who 
profited handsomely from the murder of 3,000.


The  <> USS Cole is now suspected of being 
an Israeli false-flag operation.  Coming as it does after the  
 USS Liberty, a blatant direct attack by Israel on a US Navy ship engaged in 
non-combtant audio surveillance duties, there are ample grounds for our 
speculation on Israel’s subversion, espionage, and dual-citizen treason against 
the United States of America–and our certainty that there is sufficient 
evidence for an indictment of all concerned–we defer to a proper investigation 
of these matters, merely observing that U.S. Government “counterintelligence” 
does not exist and and “relgiious counterintelligence” is not even contemplated.


In our view, the religious affiliation of an indivdidual must be included in 
any evaluation of their suitability for positions of trust and confidence, so 
as to inform the direction of the security investigation or 
counter-intelligence follow-on.  Opus Dei and the Mormons have their own 
networks, generally much less active.  Neo-Nazis and gangs have their networks, 
to which we were oblivious until recently.  The worst, the most pernicious, the 
most demanding of the highest standards of security and precaution, are the 
Israelis and their Jewish sayonim, a term brilliantly articulated in Review: 
Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy–The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul.


Of cocnern to us, and grounds for his suspension as a Contributing Editor of 
Phi Beta Iota, is new evidence of  <> Dr. 
Webster Tarpley’s possible role as an  
<> Isareli covert asset, an agent 
of influence whose primary role is to shift attention away from the Israeli’s 
toward the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  As much as we hold CIA to 
account for its many and continuing mistakes, the evidence is now sufficient to 
conclude that CIA has–as is often the case in Latin America–been played for a 
fool by Israel.  [Its Director, Leon Panetta, is a Catholic, and Opus Dei as 
well as the Mormons have a very good grip on the clandestine service, as they 
do in the FBI, but that grip is focused on information for value, not murder 
for profit].


At much lower levels, and directly related to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), 
we see the Israeli penetration process proceeding apace, with both Jewish 
candidates for key positions who know nothing of OSINT but have great smiles, 
and Israeli-sponsored software offered free for testing to help in 
collaborative analysis, never mind that a drop copy goes straight to the Mossad 
as with the telephone interception operations based on Israeli software in the 
USA.  Sadly, the people selecting them got where they are on their smiles, not 
their substance, and are not yet being held accountable for performance.


Journal: US Intelligence, Israel, and the Street Clowns

Journal: Stupid Is As Stupid Does–Israel…Again

Journal: National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) Goes from Dumb to Dumber

Journal: Government Corruption and Inattention; Foreign Influence and Access: 
Religious Counterintelligence

Review: The Attack on the Liberty–The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 
Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship

Review: The Power of Israel in the United States

Review: They Dare to Speak Out–People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby



    If You r to even think to giving them a chance, they'd end UP stabbing us 
in the back, tis their nature. I watched that whole vid this morning & it's 
just a pysops. We gain nothing worth the harm they cause-ask Rachael Cory


 History of Israeli False Flag Ops ,   
 History of Israeli False Flag Ops 


 False flag ops

Debunking Conspiracy Theories In 'Voodoo Histories' 
Interesting words and phrases include "psyops" (short for "psychological 
operations"), "false flag," and more recently "wet disposal," meaning 
assassination ...
 See all stories on this topic 

 False flag ops

Journal: Israel,  
 False-Flags, Dual-Citizens, & Fools « Public ...
By Robert Steele 
To this ugly mix the Israeli's add false-flag operations–we believe 9-11 was 
ultimately an Israeli false-flag operation with the active support of Dick 
Cheney, Rudy Guliani, and Larry Silverstean, as well as members of the Bush 
family ...
 <> Public Intelligence Blog - 

The Liberty Voice » Lead Story » See No Evil: The Story of  
By sm 
(Of course, we now know that both of these events were false flag operations 
perpetrated by Hitler himself.) When the war intensified, Hitler pulled Speer 
off of architecture and put him in charge of armaments and munitions. ...
 <> The Liberty Voice - 

Voice In The Wilder-mess: A War On Terror? Your Just 
  Imagining Things.
By RA S 
For more details, refer to The Strike on the USS Liberty (Chicago Tribune). For 
more detailed examples of False Flag Operations refer to
 <> Voice In The Wilder-mess - 

S a b r e t a c h e 
By Sabretache 
False flag operations are far FAR more Machiavellian and far FAR less 
simplistic than Craig appears to suppose. In spite of our esteemed SIS's 
careful cultivation of that Boy's-Own James Bond (and US equivalent) image, ...
 <> S abretache - 

Sri Lanka Guardian: General dies a political death -Part 
By Sri Lanka Guardian 
The danger in here is once a false story is 'strategically leaked' or a lie 
spread by Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) or the parties with vested interest, 
who can manipulate press (print or electronic) it is almost impossible to 
counter .... It is very difficult to counter, unless one has a very robust 
Information Operations unit in place, once an iota of suspicion is planted in 
the minds of Sri Lankans or voters, given especially the very effective smear 
campaign by the ...
 <> Sri Lanka Guardian - 

 False flag ops News -  
 False Flag Operations
False Flag Operations Syndicate content · Home · A Closer Look at Israel's 
Ro... What does game theory have to do with Zionism, the perceived terrorism ...

911 was a  
 false flag attack - Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, 
corporations, ... False flag operations are not limited to war and counter- 
insurgency ...





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