Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 8:37 PM
Subject: More Evidence Of Human Organ (AND Children) Trafficking In Haiti


Friday, January 29, 2010
More Evidence Of Human Organ (AND Children) Trafficking in Haiti

We have just witnessed the return of the Israeli IDF "medical team" to
Israel arriving to a heroes welcome by the ultra Zionist war criminal
himself, Benjamin Netanyahu. People are so quick to forget that just days
earlier, a CNN film crew found a box of Human Eye Corneas next to a box of
granola bars (!) while they were filming this same "medical team" when they
were in Haiti! It is so amazing that there has been absolutely NO media
followups to this possible Human Organ theft taking place! 


Now we have further evidence of Human Organ Theft going on during the
aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake. Here is a great article from, written by the Zionist propaganda machine, CNN's own
journalist, Tom Evans. It points out clear evidence of Trafficking of
Haitian Children, and Human Organs in an interview with Haiti's prime
minister. Here is that article, and the video of the CNN interview:


Traffickers targeting Haiti's children, human organs, Haitian PM says

By Tom Evans, CNN

 <> Image
removed by sender. 451larg.haiti.orphans.cnn.jpg

January 29, 2010




(CNN) -- Trafficking of children and human organs is occurring in the
aftermath of the earthquake that devastated parts of Haiti, killed more than
150,000 people, and left many children orphans, Haitian Prime Minister
Jean-Max Bellerive said Wednesday.

"There is organ trafficking for children and other persons also, because
they need all types of organs," Bellerive said in an exclusive interview
with CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

He did not give specifics, but asked by Amanpour if there is trafficking of
children, Bellerive said, "The reports I received say yes."

Haiti is trying to locate displaced children and register them so they can
either be reunited with other family members or put up for adoption,
Bellerive said.

But, he said, illegal child trafficking is "one of the biggest problems that
we have."

Many groups appear to be legitimate, "but a lot of organizations -- they
come and they say there were children on the streets. They're going to bring
them to the [United] States," he said.

Bellerive said he's trying to work with embassies in Port-au-Prince to
protect Haiti's children from traffickers.

"Any child that is leaving the country has to be validated by the embassy
under a list that they give me, with all the reports," he said.

Speaking at his temporary headquarters in a police station near the
Port-au-Prince Airport, Bellerive said the first thing Haitian officials
seek to confirm is whether the children have adoption papers before they
leave the country.

In Washington, the State Department said Wednesday it is moving cautiously
on the issue of adoptions from Haiti.

"We want to be sure that when a child has been identified, that due
diligence has been done to make sure that this is truly an orphan child and
not a child that actually has family," said State Department Spokesman P.J.
Crowley. "Sometimes if you push too hard, too fast there can be unintended
consequences. So we are being very, very careful."

"We respect the sovereignty of Haiti and their right to control the
departure of Haitian children. So we think the system that has been
established is working effectively. I know there is a perception out there
of 'cut through the red tape.' But there are very good reasons we want to
make sure this process works well," Crowley said.

On the broader issue of Haitian children, Bellerive told Amanpour the
government will reopen schools Monday in most of the country.

He said there were particular problems in Port-au-Prince.

"We cannot open one school and not the other. But some of the schools want
to operate right now. They say if there are tents -- if there are facilities
and we can help them -- they are willing to open very rapidly."

Bellerive also highlighted the critical importance of getting enough tents
and shelters to Haiti before the rainy season begins in May. He said he
didn't know where all the tents promised by aid agencies and governments

"We have reports that they've already sent 20,000 tents maybe, and 20,000
more are on the way. But yesterday, when we didn't see the tents and we
didn't see any action to organize the shelters, the president himself asked
to see the storage place and we only counted 3,500 tents."

Bellerive said President Rene Preval asked for 200,000 tents to house
between 400,000 and 500,000 people. "We are very preoccupied about the
consequences of all those people on the street, if it starts to rain."

The prime minister also rejected criticism from within Haiti and overseas
that his government needs to be more visible to the Haitian people.

"We are in charge. Frankly I don't understand what that position is that we
are not visible," he said. "I almost feel that I spend more time talking to
radio, television, than I am working."

"I know it's part of my job and I have to communicate. But I really feel
that I have spent too much time doing that."

Bellerive also said he does not believe it's necessary to relocate the
capital to another part of Haiti.

"I have to wait for technical and scientific evaluation, but from what I've
heard until now, Port-au-Prince will stay there."

"Tokyo is still there, Los Angeles is still there. We just have to prepare a
better constructed Port-au-Prince, a safer Port-au-Prince," he said.

He also acknowledged the need for more transparency and new procedures to
prevent corruption in Haiti. But he said 70 to 80 percent of the aid coming
to the country right now does not go through the Haitian government.

Bellerive said about 90 percent of American aid, for example, goes through
non-governmental organizations. "They are accountable to the American
government, but not to the Haitian government," he said.

The prime minister told Amanpour that he does not believe people overseas
are helping Haiti out of a moral obligation.

"I believe it's a more pragmatic responsibility," he said. "I believe Haiti
could be an interesting market in the midterm. We are 10 million [people]
here and it's a market."



Here is the CNN video:








NTS Notes: Stealing Human Organs is bad enough, but also stealing Children?
Why is there not more outcry against these crimes against humanity? How is
it that the controlled media reporters don't go after possibly the biggest
story so far this year? 


Again, we should demand that investigations take place into these latest
allegations. However, due to the fact that the criminals involved in Human
Organ trafficking also control the media outlets, guaranteed few will be
aware of this crime. That is truly a sad statement for the morality of



Posted by NTS






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