
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad 

on January 26, 2010 6:03 PM | Permalink
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1. I am surprised when there are people who consider that I was not
sensitive when I questioned the truth about Sept 11, 2001. That incident had
nothing to do with the present debate on the use of the word Allah. As to
not being sensitive to the feelings of those who lost their loved ones on
Sept 11, I believe they should know the truth as to the culprit and not go
on hating the Muslims for something they may not be responsible for.

2. This is not a case of Muslims making wild accusations against the
Government of the United States of America. This accusation is being made by
Americans, white Americans against their own Government. And they have
reasons for making this accusation. So many fellow Americans died a horrible
death when fire broke out in the upper floors of the two towers. They died
in the fire or when they flung themselves down from the towers to escape a
fiery death.

3. These Americans who investigated thoroughly the collapsing towers because
they were suspicious of their Government's action were not deliberately or
politically trying to blacken the US Administration. They were concerned and
horrified at the enormity of the act i.e. killing fellow Americans in order
to justify their subsequent War on Terror.

4. We may think this is absurd. How can responsible leaders destroy such
iconic buildings and kill 3,000 of their own people simply to justify a war.
But then we must remember that the accusations of Saddam's possession of
Weapons of Mass Destruction capable of being launched against Britain in
45-minutes is also a fabrication. In fact we have now learnt that the
intelligence services of America and Britain did not make such reports. Bush
and Blair lied. They lied in order to attack Iraq, in order to kill Iraqis
and 6,000 American and British soldiers died unnecessarily. The blood of
these people are on their hands.

5. When it was proven that they lied, they now claim that they wanted to
remove Saddam Hussein because he was a dictator. That is frivolous. Must
300,000 Iraqis be killed because you don't like Saddam's Government?

6. Going to war is a serious thing. You are really deciding to sacrifice the
lives of your own people, not just the enemy. The killing of enemy personnel
may be acceptable to your people. But killing your own people so as to have
an excuse to go to war cannot be acceptable to the people. That is why the
group of concerned Americans made their investigation so thoroughly. But
then their Government, with the collusion of their media have ensured that
they would not be able to tell of their findings to the American people.

7. But there is no reason why the Malaysian public should not know about the
findings of these concerned American citizens.

8. I believe many people in Malaysia have seen this report but none have
given it the publicity it deserves. Not reporting this means covering up
what can be a heinous crime. When you do that you would be encouraging
leaders to commit similar crimes again and again.

9. That is why I took the initiative to publicise the report of the American

10. The Government of the United States should institute a proper open


SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on January 22, 2010 12:05 PM | Permalink | Comments
(19) | TrackBacks (0) 

1. In my speech at the conference on the support for Palestine (Al Quds) on
Jan 20, 2010, I said that if they can make the film Avatar, they can stage
the attack and collapse of the World Trade Centre in New York.

2. The press report seems to suggest that there was no real destruction of
the two towers but it was just some kind of theatrical trick. It is of
course a fact that the two towers were destroyed after two aircrafts crashed
into them.

3. A lot of people in America (the apologists will dismiss them as
conspiracy theorists) questioned whether the towers collapsed because the
planes crashed into them or that something else caused them to come down.
These people have reproduced videos taken by media people showing the attack
and the collapse of the towers, pointing out certain peculiar features. I
have seen the three-hour long video which is widely distributed.

4. Those people who watched the live telecast of the attack and the collapse
of the towers will remember as I remember, that both towers collapsed
straight down, floor upon floor. They did not lean to their sides as they
collapse. The manner of their collapse was like the pictures we see of
multi-storied buildings being demolished by demolition experts. When
demolishing a skyscraper in a built-up area the experts ensure that as the
towers collapse they would not lean to the side and strike neighbouring

5. The collapse of the two towers was typical of demolition of skyscrapers
by experts in America. It was too clean, each tower collapsing upon itself,
not touching each other or the buildings surrounding them.

6. One thing that is never mentioned almost is the collapse of a third
building which was neither hit by aircraft or by the two towers. This
building, described as building number 7, is slightly more than half the
height of the WTC towers.

7. This building also collapsed down upon itself. Again it looked like a
demolition job. Why did it collapse? Nothing struck it. It did not catch
fire. Yet it collapsed straight down without touching any other building or
the towers.

8. The American investigators also showed pictures of the Pentagon where the
third aircraft was supposed to have crashed into. There was no aircraft or
debris. I have never seen the picture of the crashed aircraft.

9. Nor have I seen pictures of the fourth aircraft which crashed somewhere.
Maybe others have seen pictures of these two crashed aircrafts. I would like
to see them.

10. The American media work very fast. They are usually on the crash scenes
minutes after the accident. Yet I do not remember seeing pictures of the
crashed aircrafts which were supposed to hit the Pentagon and the one which
crashed somewhere.

11. In the video structural engineers and other experts were asked to
comment. They doubted that the twin towers collapsed because the aircrafts
crashed into the upper stories.

12. I met a janitor who worked on the staff of the two towers. He helped to
rescue a lot of people before the building came down. He was proclaimed a
national hero. However, the official report did not carry his statement that
there were explosions in the building which appeared to be quite unrelated
to the plane crash.

13. As I said in my speech I am not so certain now that the Arab
"terrorists" hijacked four commercial aircrafts simultaneously and flew them
into the twin towers, the Pentagon and somewhere unknown (farm).

14. Some people have condemned me for doubting that the attack was mounted
by Arab Muslim terrorists.

15. Perhaps one of the television stations would care to air the videos
mentioned without censorship.

16. I really feel sorry for the consultant who profusely apologised for the
Americans and the Jews. He should learn to be honest to himself. I pray that
his services would be recognised and appreciated by his principals.


Thu, Jan 21, 2010
The Star/Asia News Network

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia 
says  9/11 was staged

By Joshua Foong and 
Shamini Ann

KUALA LUMPUR: There is strong evidence that the Sept 11 attacks on the 
United States that killed nearly 3,000 could have been 'staged' as an excuse
to mount attacks on the Muslim world, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

'I am not sure now that Muslim terrorists carried out these attacks. There
is evidence that the attacks were staged.

'If they can make Avatar, they can make anything,' the former prime minister
told a press conference here yesterday after delivering his speech at the
General Conference for the Support of Al-Quds to aid the Palestinians.

He said killing innocent people to provide an excuse for war was not new to
the US.

'But whether real or staged, the 9/11 attacks have served the United States
and Western countries well. They have an excuse to mount attacks on the
Muslim world,' he added.

Mahathir also criticised US President Barack Obama for failing to fulfil his
promises concerning the country's commitment in West Asia, including his 
promise to resolve the prevailing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

'I am a bit disappointed because so far none of his promises have been kept.
He promised to get out from Afghanistan but he ended up sending more troops 
there instead.

'He promised to close down Guantanamo but he has not closed down Guantanamo.

'It is quite easy to promise during election time but you know there are
forces in the United States which prevent the President from doing some
things. One of the forces is the Jewish lobby, AIPAC,' he said.

On another issue, Dr Mahathir said he supported the plan to set up the
inter-faith council as it could help promote effective understanding among
religious groups in the country.

Such a council, he said, would provide a platform for people to talk about
sensitive religious matters reasonably without taking it to the streets.

Earlier in his speech, Dr Mahathir spoke about the Palestinians' claim on
their land in West Asia which he said was based on legitimate grounds.

He said one of the greatest injustices done was to take Palestinian land to
give to the Jews to create the state of Israel.

Later in Putrajaya, Dr Mahathir said the opinions of 'powerful nations'
should not deter Malaysia from continuing with its effort to help Palestine.

He was speaking at a ceremony to hand over certificates of appreciation to
nine Malaysians who were part of the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy
to Gaza.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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