Subject: Fw: What a disgrace! 


Watch this video below... and watch Obama and he squirms...  
Disgusting...  truly disgraceful!!
This is the man who is supposed to "solve" the ME crisis?!  Hehehe..
The Israelis have the 'impartial' party to negotiations... by the balls...
excuse my French...


Obama shamelessly shills for the Israeli war party 

Obama's true colors. 

Bought and sold. 

What a disgrace.

"How did they get in? We're not supposed to be asked real questions"

I'm sure that's the question Obama and Biden were asking themselves as Obama
fumbled for an answer to this very simple

and very patriotic question. 
His pathetic response speaks volumes, doesn't it?  The State of Israeli
stole and continues to steal Palestinian lands. 
In the process, it has dislocated, marginalized and outright killed hundreds
of thousands of people. 
It enforces this criminal enterprise by the continuous harassment and
brutalization of Palestinian people, young and old, male and female. 
The only way it is able to run its Nazi-like occupation of Palestinian lands
is with the ongoing financial and military support of the United States

and to keep that support coming it pays off and blackmails everyone involved
in national US politics. 
Any US politician who supports the Israeli war party's illegal occupation of
Palestinian lands is a traitor to the US. Period. End of story.
Yes, we've had a lot of traitors in the White House and Congress over the
years and you don't need to look at the Palestinian situation to know that. 

Just look at the state the country is in.


Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115






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