Subject: Homeland for Khasars (sometimes called "Jews"): BIROBISTAN!!



In an answer to "Israel exposed”,
<>, Lady
Renouf who courageously spoke out about freedom of speech in the European
„Parliament”, suggests, that the Khasars, endangered in Palestine should
find a homeland in BIROBISTAN. This pittoresque state, the size of
Switzerland, situated in the East of Russia, with a temperate climate and
natural resources, was founded as a homeland for the “Jews” as a “Jewish
Autonomous Region” in 1928:



“Yet the fact is that after the second inter-gentile world war, in  

1946 (as in 1928), Dr Kümel, there was no political impediment for  

European Jewry to head for their first safe Jewish homeland in the  

Jewish Autonomous Region (the size of Switzerland) known by its  

capital city Birobidjan.  There was no impediment then, and there is  

no impediment now for these charity state criminals who have  

unnecessarily pirated Palestine to go safely to their first homeland  

and it's about time the world started to know about this commonsense  

option and to withdraw global support for the unwarranted World  

Zionist HQ Entity of Israel.



Michèle Renouf“ <>  





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