Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 6:41 AM
Subject: The Grand Zionist Facade


  * The writer is professor of economics at Northeastern University. He is
author of Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilising Logic of Zionism .
The Grand Zionist Facade

Posted on February 2, 2010 by realistic bird 


by Ben Heine

Assertions without substance, prejudice without apology, violence without
regret; these are the foundations of the Zionist dream of Israel, writes
Shahid Alam*, source <> .
February 1, 2010
On 12 January, The New York Times carried an article by David Brooks on Jews
and Israel. It so caught my eye that I decided to bring it to my class on
the economic history of the Middle East. I sent my students the link to the
article and asked them to read it carefully and come to class prepared to
discuss and dissect its contents.
My students recalled various parts of the New York Times article, but no one
explained its substance. They recalled David Brooks' focus on the singular
intellectual achievements of American Jews, the enviable record of Israeli
Jews as innovators and entrepreneurs, the mobility of Israel's new class of
innovators, etc. One student even spoke of what was not in the article or in
the history of Jews - centuries of Jewish "struggle" to create a Jewish
state in Palestine.
But they offered no insights on Brooks' motivation.
Why had he decided to brag about Jewish achievements, a temptation normally
eschewed by urbane Jews? In my previous class, while discussing Edward
Said's critique of Orientalism, I had discussed how knowledge is suborned by
power, how it is perverted by tribalism, and how Western writers crafted
their writings about the Middle East to serve the interests of colonial
powers. Not surprisingly, this critique had not yet sunk in.
I coaxed my students, asking them directly to explore if David Brooks had an
axe (or more than one) to grind. Was there an elephant in the room they had
missed? What was the subtext of the op-ed?
At last, one student moved in the direction of the missing elephant. David
Brooks had not mentioned the "aid" that Israel had received from the United
States. Did my class know how much? Several eyebrows rose when I informed my
students that Israel currently receives close to $3 billion in annual grants
from the US, not counting official loan guarantees and tax- deductible
contributions by private charities. Since its creation, Israel has received
more than $240 billion in grants from the US alone.
We had grasped the elephant's ear, but what about the rest of it, its head,
belly, trunk, tail and tusks? My students did not have a clue - at least, so
it appeared to me.
My students did not understand - or perhaps did not show it - that no
discussion about Israel, especially in the New York Times, could be innocent
of political motives. Israel is a contested fact, a colonial-settler state,
founded on ethnic cleansing, a state of the world's Jews, but not of its
Arab population. It continues to marginalise its Palestinians "citizens", to
dispossess the Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and
strangulate them in Gaza.
Supported and coddled by the United States and other Western governments,
Israel now faces growing protests from diverse segments of Western civil
society. Churches, labour unions, professors, students and other activist
groups are calling on corporations and governments to divest from, boycott
and sanction Israel. As always, but now more than ever, advocates of Israel
continue to manufacture myths, opinions, and "facts" that can cover for its
crimes against the Palestinians and other Arabs in its neighbourhood.
Isn't that what David Brooks was doing, I asked my class, by painting Jews
and Israel in the colours of pure glory?
I saw a few nods of recognition. But one student demurred. "Doesn't everyone
glorify his own country? The US too had engaged in ethnic cleansing. What is
the difference?"
There are two differences, I submitted. David Brooks is glorifying Israel
but he is not Israeli. More to the point, he is glorifying Israel to cover
up for Israel's present and projected crimes against Palestinians. He is
covering up for Israeli apartheid that exists here and now.
At this point, many in my class gasped at what they heard. It appeared to be
a voice quarried from the past. It was a defence of genocide quite commonly
advanced in previous centuries when European settlers were exterminating
natives in the Americas, Oceania and Africa. "We had done so much better
with the land than the natives." Occasionally, such repugnant ideas from the
past, which we think we have buried forever, leak into public discourse.
Perhaps it is good that they do: they remind us that the past is not dead.
David Brooks starts his article with statistics to show that the Jews "are a
famously accomplished group". Do we need to be convinced of the
accomplishments of the Jews? Is there anyone who contests this? So why does
Brooks feel the need to support this with statistics? "They make up 0.2 per
cent of the world population," he informs us, "but 54 per cent of world
chess champions, 27 per cent of Nobel physics laureates and 31 per cent of
medicine laureates." Just in case these comparisons fail to clinch the
point, David Brooks offers more comparative statistics.
Does Brooks aim to belabour the point, or is he saying, 'Look at all the
great things we have done for you Gentiles. We are indispensable. Don't you
criticise what we do. Don't you go against us'? Or does he feel so
personally inadequate that this forces him to seek comfort not in Jewish
accomplishments - as he claims - but in Jewish superiority?
Alas, the Jews in Israel have not matched the achievements of the Jews in
the Diaspora. The Jewish state contains close to 40 per cent of the world's
Jewish population, but very few of the Jewish Nobel laureates are Israelis.
Only nine Israelis in 61 years have won the Nobel Prize. If we exclude the
three "Peace" laureates - and wouldn't you, if you knew who they are - that
leaves six. Only three of these six were born in Israel, and one was born
there while his parents were visiting relatives in Tel Aviv. Hardly a great
total. Ireland, with a smaller population, has six Nobel laureates.
David Brooks knows this. "The odd thing," he writes, "is that Israel has not
traditionally been strongest where the Jews in the Diaspora were strongest."
Why has Israel fallen short? Blame it on the Palestinians and the Arabs.
"Instead of research and commerce, Israelis were forced to devote their
energies to fighting and politics."
That was in the past, however. Israel is now bubbling over with innovation
and entrepreneurship. Tel Aviv is now "one of the world's foremost
entrepreneurial hot spots". Once again, statistics are offered to establish
Israel's leadership in civilian research and development. Israel's more
ominous leadership in military technology is not mentioned.
Moreover - and this is David Brooks' point - this technological success "is
the fruition of the Zionist dream". Then follows another piece of
chauvinism. Israel was "not founded so stray settlers could sit among
thousands of angry Palestinians in Hebron. It was founded so Jews would have
a safe place to come together and create things for the world."
David Brooks disguises Israel's second round of colonial expansion that
began in June 1967 as a diversion from the main goal of Zionism, a
distraction created by "stray" settlers in Hebron. The close to half a
million Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, supported,
financed, and protected by the world's fourth most powerful military are
minimised as "stray" settlers in Hebron, who are a problem only because they
are surrounded by "angry" Palestinians.
Israel was founded - David Brooks asserts, invoking the language of Zionism
- so Jews could have a "safe place" and create "things for the world". Has
Israel been a safe place for the Jews? Safer than the United States, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, or even the Arab world before
1917, when the Zionist movement gained official sponsorship from Britain?
Plausibly, the answer is no.
One must also ask: What "things" has Israel created for the world? What
"things" has Israel given to the Arab world, other than wars, massacres,
ethnic cleansing, occupation, war crimes, and alibis to its rulers to create
repressive regimes? What has it given to that other world - the Western
world - that Brooks probably has in mind? Israel has jeopardised the
strategic interests of Western powers in the Islamicate. On more than one
occasion, it has brought the United States close to nuclear collision with
the Soviet Union. The most valuable "things" that Israelis provide to
Western powers, to the United States in particular as an occupying power in
Iraq and Afghanistan, are the technologies and tactics they have been
perfecting while crushing Palestinian resistance. But David Brooks does not
wish to talk about that.
Then comes the coup de grace. This is the blow aimed to finish off Brook's
primary target, the Arabs. Jewish and Israeli accomplishments must finally
be placed against the terrible paucity of Arab creativity in the sciences,
technology and entrepreneurship. Arabs are asked to declare the patents they
have registered in the United States. The astronomical gap between Arab and
Israeli patents can only have one cause. The Arabs do not have the
"tradition of free intellectual exchange and technical creativity". In true
Orientalist style, blame Arab failures on Arab culture.
Ironically, the two countries Brooks picks to make his point - Egypt and
Saudi Arabia - are the closest Arab allies of the United States. The US
never wags its finger at the despotic monarchy in Saudi Arabia or the
repressive dictatorship that has controlled Egypt for decades. The United
States works to bring "democracy" only to its enemies
Yet for all its triumphalism and crude claims of superiority, the New York
Times op-ed ends on a disappointing note. Israel's innovators, the sons of
Zionist dreamers, bring no real commitment to Israel. Just a little
instability, and they will vote with their feet. "American Jews used to keep
a foothold in Israel in case things got bad here. Now Israelis keep a
foothold in the US." As remarkable as it is, Israel's success is "also
highly mobile".
Is Brooks the great friend of Israel that he must believe he is? All that
any one has to do to destroy Israel's economy, he writes, is "to foment
enough instability so the entrepreneurs decide they had better move to Palo
Alto, where many of them [Israelis] already have contacts and homes."
What sad and strange thinking. Perhaps this is what happens when a person
gets trapped inside the nightmare that was sold to the Jews as the great
Zionist dream. Brooks confirms that this nightmare cannot be saved by
Israel's technological prowess. Apparently, Israel's greatest success
stories - its cutting-edge technology companies - are also footloose. They
could be heading for the exits at the first sign of instability.
Technological prowess will not save Jewish apartheid. Nothing will. But Jews
can shore up their lives and build a more promising future for themselves by
discovering their common humanity with the Arabs, by making amends with the
Palestinians, and learning to give back to the Palestinians what they have
taken from them over the past nine decades.
The Zionists are prisoners of a bad dream: they must first free themselves -
break free from the prison in which they can only play the part of
tormentors - if they and especially their Palestinian victims are to live
normal lives.
* The writer is professor of economics at Northeastern University. He is
author of Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilising Logic of Zionism .




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