--- On Fri, 2/5/10, Lifeforce <lifeforc...@rockymountains.net> wrote:

From: Lifeforce <lifeforc...@rockymountains.net>
Subject: Fw: ### HOW DO WE SAVE OUR COUNTRY?;States Have Lawful Power to 
Nullify DeFacto Federal Usurpations; Ron Paul Commentary ###
To: "AB" <lifeforc...@rockymountains.net>
Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 9:03 AM


              TIME TO SAY "NO MORE?" 


        Hope this one goes viral.....  



Subject: Nullification: It's Official, if Congress keeps ignoring the 

Includes Ron Paul’s comments re: Nullification.  Examples where it’s already 
happened like with “real ID” act etc.

Nullification: It’s Official
by Derek Sheriff

This is reprinted from the Tenth <http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com>  
Amendment Center.

While speaking to a large crowd of over a thousand people on the campus of 
Arizona State University last December, Congressman Ron Paul mentioned one 
thing that might come about as the result of the federal government habitually 
ignoring the Constitution: Nullification 
<http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/the-10th-amendment-movement/> .

About five minutes into the video segment which you'll find below, he said, 
"There's not much attention paid to the Constitution in Washington. There's not 
much attention paid to it by our executive branch of government. And we don't 
get much protection from our courts. So one thing that might finally happen 
from this if the people finally feel so frustrated that they can't get the 
results out of Washington – they're going to start thinking about options. They 
might start thinking about nullification and a few things like that."

As someone who attended that rally and was doing my best to represent my 
state's <http://arizona.tenthamendmentcenter.com/>  chapter of The Tenth 
Amendment Center <http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/> , I know I cheered very 
loudly and was very pleased when the rest of the crowd applauded 

For anyone who is unfamiliar with the concept of state nullification, it was 
the idea expressed by then sitting vice president, Thomas Jefferson, when he 
authored what came to be called the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 
<http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/kentucky-resolutions-of-1798/> . The 
resolutions made the case that the federal government is a creature of the 
states and that states have the authority to judge the constitutionality of the 
federal government's laws and decrees. He also argued that states should refuse 
to enforce laws which they deemed unconstitutional. 

James Madison wrote a similar resolution for Virginia 
<http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/virginia-resolution-of-1798/>  that same 
year, in which he asserted that whenever the federal government exceeds its 
constitutional limits and begins to oppress the citizens of a state, that 
state's legislature is duty bound to interpose its power to prevent the federal 
government from victimizing its people. Very similar to Jefferson's concept of 
nullification, Madison's doctrine of interposition differed in some small but 
important ways.

These two documents together came to be known as The Virginia and Kentucky 
Resolutions (or Resolves), of 1798. Both were written in response to the 
dreaded Alien and Sedition Acts, and the phrase,  
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principles_of_%2798> "Principles of ’98" became 
shorthand for nullification and/or interposition. Over time, "The Principles of 
’98" would be invoked by many other states, many times for a variety of issues 

Getting back to Ron Paul's speech in December at ASU, Congressman Paul 
qualified his prediction about the revival of nullification by saying the 

"But my suspicion is that there will never be official nullification or 
secession, but if the [federal] government continues to fail, and they can't 
deliver anything...checks bounce...that we will be forced to take care of 
ourselves. And we will be forced to almost ignore everything they do."

Less than a week after the speech I attended at ASU, Congressman Paul was 
interviewed by Mike <http://www.mikechurch.com>  Church on his radio show. When 
Mike asked him what his thoughts were on nullification, Ron Paul responded by 

"I think it’s a great idea. It was never really successful in our history. But 
I think it’s going to grow in importance. And I think it’s going to grow 
because the government, the federal government will be seen as inept and 
ineffective. And I think it’ll almost be de facto in the sense that the states 
will eventually just ignore some of the mandates." 

Here I would like to pause for a moment and point out that I am not usually in 
the business of disagreeing with Congressman Ron Paul. I would hardly need one 
hand to count the number of times that I have actually disagreed with him on 
any issue of real substance. I am a great admirer and supporter of Congressman 
Paul, who is undoubtedly very supportive of the idea of state nullification, 
even if he has doubted its efficacy in the past. However, in spite of all this, 
I would like to make two observations. 

First, nullification has, in fact, been somewhat successful in the past 
  and more recently 
<http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/nullification/real-id/>  as well. Second, 
as President Obama loves to say, "Let me be clear": "Official" nullification 

Before I explain why "official" nullification has already happened, let me 
briefly give some examples of what nullification is NOT.

Nullification is not secession or insurrection, but neither is it unconditional 
or unlimited submission. Nullification is not something that requires any 
decision, statement or action from any branch of the federal government. 
Nullification is not the result of obtaining a favorable court ruling. 
Nullification is not the petitioning of the federal government to start doing 
or to stop doing anything. Nullification doesn't depend on any federal law 
being repealed. Nullification does not require permission from any person or 
institution outside of one's own state. 

So just what IS "official" nullification you might be asking?

Nullification begins with a decision made in your state legislature to resist a 
federal law deemed to be unconstitutional. It usually involves a bill, which is 
passed by both houses and is signed by your governor. In some cases, it might 
be approved by the voters of your state directly, in a referendum. It may 
change your state's statutory law or it might even amend your state 
constitution. It is a refusal on the part of your state government to cooperate 
with, or enforce any federal law it deems to be unconstitutional.

Nullification carries with it the force of state law. It cannot be legally 
repealed by Congress without amending the US Constitution. It cannot be 
lawfully abolished by an executive order. It cannot be overruled by the Supreme 
Court. It is the people of a state asserting their constitutional rights by 
acting as a political society in their highest sovereign capacity. It is the 
moderate, middle way that wisely avoids harsh remedies like secession on the 
one hand and slavish, unlimited submission on the other. It is the 
constitutional remedy for unconstitutional federal laws. 

With the exception of a Constitutional amendment, the federal government cannot 
oppose (except perhaps rhetorically) , a state's decision to nullify an 
unconstitutional federal law without resorting to extra-legal measures. But 
such measures would more than likely backfire, since most Americans still 
affirm that might does not make right.

There is no question as to whether or when "official" nullification will 
happen: It has ALREADY HAPPENED. In fact, not only has it happened recently, it 
has been a success! Perhaps this is why the federal government hopes you will 
never hear about it. According to the Tenth Amendment Center:

"25 states over the past 2 years have passed resolutions and binding laws 
denouncing and refusing to implement the Bush-era law [REAL ID Act]. While the 
law is still on the books in D.C., its implementation has been “delayed” 
numerous times in response to this massive state resistance, and in practice, 
is virtually null and void." 

But that's not all; another example of "official" nullification has occurred in 
the form of an unlikely states' rights ally 
 : Medical marijuana.

There was a time when the federal government took the Constitution seriously 
enough that Congress did what is required in order to enact a nationwide ban on 
a substance. Even though the experiment would eventually be seen by most 
Americans as a mistake and a failure, the 18th Amendment was passed and the era 
known as "Prohibition" began. Four years later, it was repealed.

When it came to marijuana prohibition, however, the feds had another trick up 
their sleeve. All three branches of the federal government would agree on a 
very novel, liberal interpretation of the "commerce clause" which would allow 
them to regulate virtually any substance, including marijuana, even though 
there’s supposedly no “legal” commerce in the plant. Since that time, the 
federal government has managed to claim, with a straight face, as it were, that 
a plant grown in your back yard, never sold, and never leaving your property, 
is somehow able to be completely banned by the federal government under the 
interstate "commerce clause." The only problem with their claim is that the 
states just aren't buying it.

Fourteen states have actively refused to comply with federal laws on marijuana, 
and it looks as if six more are about to join the effort. In a recent blog post 
 , Mark Kreslins observes:

"...medical marijuana now poses a real threat to the enforcement power of the 
Federal Government. With state after state defying Washington DC over this 
issue.... Washington DC has a choice to make; enforce their laws based on a 
very liberal interpretation of the Commerce Clause by sending thousands of DEA 
agents into all fifty states…or…look the other way. Thus far, they’ve chosen to 
look the other way for if they create the appearance of a Federal takeover of 
police powers in the States, they will fully expose their extra-constitutiona l 
behavior and provoke a direct confrontation with the States who will use the 
10th Amendment (hopefully) to defend their prerogatives."

Whatever your view may be regarding marijuana use, medical or otherwise, one 
thing is apparent: "Official" nullification has happened, and it works! 
Washington will have to get used to it.

What remains to be seen, however, is whether in addition to "officially" 
nullifying unconstitutional federal laws, state governments will be willing to 
use their power to "officially" interpose themselves between agents of the 
federal government and the people of their state. In the unlikely event that 
one or more branches of the federal government decides to take extra-legal 
measures to punish residents of a state for exercising their constitutional 
rights in defiance of unconstitutional federal laws, will that state's 
government have the courage to hamper or even neutralize such extra-legal 

There are a whole host of peaceful actions that a state government can adopt if 
that day comes or appears to be just over the horizon. These measures range 
from county sheriffs requiring that federal agents receive 
 written permission from the sheriff before acting in their county, to setting 
up a Federal Tax escrow account 
 , which could potentially de-fund unconstitutional federal activities by 
requiring that all federal taxes come first to the state’s Department of 

Besides state interposition, the other thing Washington would have to consider, 
is whether enough of their agents would actually obey orders to punish people 
for exercising their constitutional rights. There is a significant chance that 
enough of them would either publicly or privately decide in advance to ignore 
such orders 
 . As the probability of this increases, it becomes more likely that Washington 
will not risk overplaying its hand. The reality is that Washington just doesn't 
have the manpower to enforce all their unconstitutional laws if enough states 
choose to defy them. 

Of course, it all depends on the people of the several states: ordinary people 
like you and I. Although I've discovered that there are more elected 
representatives at the state level who are committed to 
<http://pledge.tenthamendmentcenter.com>  acting in a courageous and principled 
manner than I ever dared hope, most of their peers lack such a brave 
commitment. Most of them will stick their head in the sand or sit on the fence 
until they determine which way the wind is blowing. And so it's our opinion, 
not the opinion of the American people in aggregate, but our opinion as 
citizens of our respective states, that will influence the decision of our 
state representatives to either stand tall or to kneel down and knuckle under. 

But do you even know the men and women who represent you? I'm not talking about 
those who represent you in Washington, but rather in Phoenix, Salem, 
Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Denver, Austin, Oklahoma City, Tallahassee, 
Atlanta, Nashville, Richmond, Harrisburg, Indianapolis, Columbus and 

If you don't know them, and you care about our republic, you should make it 
your highest priority to get to know them and establish rapport with them as 
soon as possible.

For any of you who really want to preserve our union, and at the same time 
retain your rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, I can't say it any better 
than 2008 presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, Chuck Baldwin:

"...it is absolutely obligatory that freedom-minded Americans refocus their 
attention to electing State legislators, governors, judges and sheriffs who 
will fearlessly defend their God-given liberties... as plainly and emphatically 
as I know how to say it, I am telling you: ONLY THE STATES CAN DEFEND OUR 
LIBERTY NOW! ...this reality means we will have to completely readjust our 
thinking and priorities."





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