Subject: Some videos to watch to better understand Gulf War Syndrome and the
American Military's Medical Experimentation on Soldiers


An Important List of Videos About a Taboo Subject: Weaponized Depleted
Uranium (DU), the Most Significant Cause of the Debilitating and Lethal Gulf
War Syndrome


Affected Gulf War vets are saying: "The US military does not take care of
its own anymore. The Pentagon is irradiating its soldiers, as well as
civilians with DU and then denying responsibility."


1) Here is a powerful interview damning the Pentagon about the preventable
Gulf War Syndrome, now proven to be secondary to DU as well as to neurotoxic
"vaccines" used cavalierly in BigPharma's experimental testing of new


2) And here are other YouTube videos about the dangers of DU in Gulf War
vets and Gulf War Syndrome:
<> &NR=1


"Poison DUst Kills":
<> &NR=1


"DU: Crime Against Humanity" (Including sobering footage of never before
seen fetal anomalies due to DU:
<> &NR=1


3) Here is the trailer to the "Beyond Treason" documentary about the
Pentagon's "American Military Experimentation Program" (and the cover-up)
involving DU (weaponized nuclear waste) exposure plus the use of toxic
experimental vaccines: 


To purchase the Beyond Treason documentary, go to:





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