Subject: Sweet Poisons - HFCS & Aspartame - Heart Disease, Obesity,
Diabetes, Arthritis, Alzhiemers


As I said, ADM released HFCS in the food SUpply in 1968, by 1972 they notice
"The Fattening of America", another thing I just found n proves I am now a
certified scientist that the increase in Alzhiemers began in the easrly


 <> Alzheimer's Disease:
Unraveling the Mystery  

The average length is thought to be in the range of 4 to 8 years. ... Age:
The risk of Alzheimer's rises exponentially with age, doubling in each
decade after ... - 128k -
%26.intl=us%26sig=4A5Xz5YTCJPFk7mG7uQ3ng--> Cached


The processing causes mercury to form in the end product-HFCS & as it's
cheaper to use than white SUgar, HFCS is in almost every processed food
there is n I shit Ye not-go thru Your kitchen n start rewading labels-if
HFCS is the 2nd ingrediant, this means this is the 2nd most ingrediant-take
a can of Pepsi, Carbonated water, HFCS, ect-onlt "it" doeswn't say there r
15 teaspoons of HFCS per F'n can & with all the other sources of
contanimation there is NO way Your kidney can flush out the HFCS or what
becomes uric acid-UA is what causes arthritis


   Part Secundo You body cannot burn HFCS like cane r beet SUgar as a source
of energy so "it's" stored as body fat which leads to obesity, heart disease
& diabetes. One prime example is cops n donuts-day in & day out the lying
cop eats donuts-HFCS is used as a sweetner for the frosting, jelly centers &
as a browning agent for the donut dough, say the lying cop adds a can of pop
with 15 more teaspoons of HFCS & this perjuring piece of shit is well on his
way to heart disease to a heart attack

So from 1968 to now, how much mercury have You injested??? Kinda makes You
WONDER WTF why the FDA even exists-I wrote these GPS & they refused to even
answer-they know but ADM belongs to the CFR which pretty much makes them
immune from any right to a remedy, FTG




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