
Bob Chapman
2010 Forecast

Gerald Celente
Breaking Point 2010

Adrian Salbuchi
2010 - 2012

Lindsey Williams
2010 - 2012

1-Commercial loans will be harder to obtain. Collateral requirements will
rise to 50% of the loan's value beginning 1/1/2010. 

2-2,035 banks are in danger of collapse resulting in between 2,500 and 3,000
bank closings at a cost to the FDIC of between $800B and $1T(rillion).

3-The FDIC will be closed between September and December 2010.

4-The Fed could pull $1.5T out of the system by June at the risk of
collapsing the economy. Not pulling the money out of the system will result
in hyper-inflation. This is why banks that accepted TARP funds are required
to report about the payback of those funds on 1/1/2010.

5-The dollar will be devalued by the end of 2010. Banks have been asked to
make room in vaults for the new currency. 

6-The Fed and Wallstreet expect a complete crash of the stock market. 

7-Public services will be reduced and the crime rate will skyrocket because
of it.

8-Home foreclosures will rise dramatically in 2010.

1-Terrorist attacks around the globe, including possibly in the US. 

2-Crash of 2010 will result because the stimulus money will dry up. The US
dollar will be devalued as more people worldwide divest themselves of

3-Depression uplift (in the manner of the Great Depression) of consumer
desire for higher quality goods and and increase in the quest for elegance.

4-Increased interest in health, weight loss and fitness as people realize
the only way to survive the coming turmoil is to be in shape. People will
purchase better food locally (sales of foreign food and products will begin
to decline), lose weight and exercise more. Also, there will be an increase
in the search for spirituality and an economically forcred return to

5-The Survival movement will see an increased interest by consumers trying
to protect themselves, their families and their assets. Lifestyle changes
will see people doing without and taking better care of the items they
already own. Thus will be cutbacks in consumer spending.

6-There will be a trend against illegal immigrants due to the loss of jobs
for US citizens.

7-The next media revolution will involve a continued move away from
mainstream TV and radio in favor of internet access.



1-Collapse of the US dollar and the issuance of a new world currency. 

2-Economic collapse with high unemployment, loss of critical goods and
services through lack of adequate truck and rail transportation, high food
prices and lack of basic food.

3-Social upheaval, even civil war, that triggers martial law and the
enforced use of the RFID chip.

4-Intelligent viruses with the ability to target specific DNA. For instance,
the DNA of certain ethnic or age groups.

5-Continued pressure surrounding the global warming issue and attempts to
formulate a worldwide climate treaty.

6-Terrorist attack(s) on US soil with a WMD.

7-Was in the Middle East. Israel will attack Iran. Russia and China will
back Iran, which will retaliate against Israel with the final result being
involvement by the US in full scale war in the region.

8-Accident at one of America's nuclear electrical facilities resulting in
the complete government takeover of the nuclear industry by the US military.

9-Assassination of a high-level, key public figure in one of the prominent
western nations.

10-Harrassment of rogue states that refuse to get in line with the demands
of the NWO.

11-Staged numinous religious event such as the 2nd Coming of Jesus resulting
in the formation of a NWO religion and the rebuilding of the Temple in

12-Staged alien contact event for the purpose of showing the world the
necessity of a one-world government under the auspices that only a unified
governmente can deal with the new alien threat successfully.

1-Bank closings will erupt from hundreds in 2009 to thousands in 2010
resulting in a final count of about 9 bank corporations total. 

Watch for access to safety deposit boxes to become limited and for
bankruptcies to skyrocket.

2-Pay attention to the movies coming out of Hollywood. The Illuminati Elite
will be presenting veiled messages about their intents in these movies - War
movies, movies with government plots, those with extre-terrestrial themes
and any other kind of unusual film.

3-Healthcare will become a major divisive issue in the US.

4-Increased security and longer no-fly lists when traveling by air.

5-A new Youth Corps with mandatory enlistment by children.

6-Mandatory service for all US citzens regardless of age.

7-Gun control.

8-Media control with TV and radio talkshows being the last areas invaded by
the government.

9-A gradually increasing inflation. Keep a spreadsheet of grocery costs from
week to week to see the increase because it will be so gradual as to go
unnoticed until it has reached hyper-inflation stage.

10-Listen for these buzzword phrases: "War brought the country out of
depression"; "Turmoil in the Middle East"; "Iran-Israel's eternal enemy".

11-Crude oil will stay between $70 and $80 per barrel during this period
until the very end when it will suddenly spike.

12-By 2012, nearly everyone will work for the Federal government because the
Fed will continue to absorb one kind of business after another. But,
especially banks and health organizations.






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