Subject: Alex Jones on Sarah Palin


What is your view of Sarah Palin after watching this video?


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February 09, 2010

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now! In an urgent message on the systematic betrayal of
the tea party, Alex Jones warns against the turncoats and deceivers flocking
from the weakened GOP and FOX News to harne...

In an urgent message on the systematic betrayal of the tea party, Alex Jones
warns against the turncoats and deceivers flocking from the weakened GOP and
FOX News to harness the populist uprising that briefly found life outside of
the traditional two-party system.

Sarah Palin made more than headlines this past week-- attempting a takeover
of the tea party movement, backing GOP hack Rick Perry over a real & viable
candidate, pitching for war on Iran and assessing Obama for 2012.

Her presence at the head of the 'Tea Party Nation' signaled a realignment of
the once pro-Constitution tea party with the empty ideals of the Republican
party, urging upset Americans to let go of their anger towards the two-party
system and support a GOP platform once again.

Further, in traveling to Texas to stump for incumbent Governor Rick Perry
after speaking under the Tea Party Nation banner, Palin is slighting the one
real tea party candidate running in Texas-- a rising Debra Medina who is
insistent on shaking up the status quo and triumphing over party stooges
Perry & Hutchinson.

What's more, phony Palin fundamentally betrayed the sentiments of millions
of Americans-- whether at the tea parties or not-- who have articulated
their desire to scale down the Federal government and bring back troops from
an unsustainable global U.S. empire. In a stunning statement on FOX News,
Palin suggested that 'if' Obama playing 'the War Card' by starting a war
with Iran, only then would he have a viable chance at reelection in 2012.
With the obvious implication that she too is eyed for 2012, Palin reinforced
unconditional support for Israel's agenda and urged Obama to the same end.

Palin proves to be yet another front for NeoCon aggression in the middle
east. Her senseless and deranged drumbeat for an Iranian War follows a
recent column from Daniel Pipes lauding the appeal held by such a war.

Like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin too is a wolf in sheep's clothing-- not a
Libertarian, Constitutionalists, freedom-lover or populist. Instead, both
are duplicitous and deceiving whores of the global establishment, practiced
to fool well-meaning followers into betraying their own interests.

At the very best, Palin's confused-coloration in mixing turncoats like Glenn
Beck, Mike Huckabee and Rick Perry with 'grassroots' constitutionalists who
make up the tea party demonstrates her flippant viewpoint and her naïveté.
At the worst, it gives insight into a dismal political field cynically
weeded of any independent and level-minded candidates in favor of a
selection of potential successors which alone guarantee that the next
president will be worse than the one before. Who but Obama could follow the
abuses of George W. Bush? Who could be worse than Sarah Palin after that?
Are we destined to lose all we have as we are trapped between the Devil and
the deep-blue sea headed towards WWIII?

Hopefully not. But as Alex notes, we don't have time to be fooled yet again
by a political sideshow, a bait & switch, to volley between
fundamentally-rotten Democrats and fundamentally-rotten Republicans.
Americans must rise above that tightly-controlled paradigm, take a deep
breath, and root out the evil and corruption deep within the system before
all is lost. 





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