

Unrest continues in Shu
ight-raids-youth-detained/> 'fat; overnight raids, youth detained


Jerusalem - Ma <> 'an
- Confrontations erupted between school children and border guards at the
Shu'fat military checkpoint on Tuesday, leading to the detention of a
15-year-old and the injury of a soldier, witnesses said.

The clash followed a series of overnight raids where border guards handed
out dozens of notices for residents to turn themselves in for questioning at
Israeli intelligence compounds in Jerusalem. The raids came directly on the
heels of an arrest campaign targeting dozens of Palestinian residents of the

The teen detained in the most recent clashes was identified as Ahmad Jamil
Abu Hamda, who was on his way to school when the clashes erupted.

Locals said soldiers used tear gas to disburse the crowds.

The secretary of Fatah in the camp, Khader Ad-Dibs, said that raids
continued until 5am, and that more than a hundred soldiers guarded the
entrances of the camp.

Ad-Dibs noted that some of the men and women detained Monday had already
been transfered to the military court where their sentences were extended,
and others who were released said they had been severely beaten.


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g-with-israeli-military/> American detained for `interfering` with Israeli

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Ramallah - Ma <> 'an -
A 27-year-old American woman was detained along with two Palestinians by
Israeli forces during a night raid in the village of Bil'in on Wednesday.

All three were taken to the border police station, an organizer said. An
Israeli military spokesman confirmed the detentions.

Forces broke into the home of Abed Al-Fattah Burnat, 27, then surrounded the
home of Ashraf Abu Rahma. International and Palestinian activists were
alerted of the raid and went to the location to film the event.

Witnesses said the home was declared a closed military zone by army
officials, who demanded reporters and activists stay 50 meters away from the
door. Organizers said the group moved 50 meters back, but soldiers continued
to harass photojournalist and B'Tselem volunteer Hamdi Abu Rahameh, 22.

The Israeli military said Rahameh is a Palestinian citizen of Israel, and
said he was detained for failing to move back from the home after soldiers
declared it a closed area.

As soldiers detained the young man, an American activist known locally as
"Stormy" attempted to intervene.

The military said the American woman "interfered" in the work of the Israeli
army and attempted to "prevent Israeli soldiers from carrying out their
duty." They also said the actions of the woman caused rioting in the area.
They confirmed her arrest and transfer to the Israeli police.

US Consulate officials said they were looking into the incident.

Another Palestinian resident of Bil'in, Ashraf Abu Ramhe, was later detained
near the village mosque. Upon his detention, Israeli soldiers handcuffed and
blindfolded him, ushering him into a car with a gun pointed at his head,
Popular Committee organizers said.

The army also confirmed the arrest of Ramhe.

International peace activists have been staying overnight in the village of
Bil'in since the Israeli army began night raids into the village, initially
following each Friday's demonstration against the separation wall being
constructed on village lands.

Night raids became more regular during the fall of 2009, and now occur
almost nightly, villagers say. Activists and photojournalists work to
document the raids and treatment of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli

In January, a Czech woman working on solidarity projects with Palestinians
via the International Solidarity Movement was detained from her home in
Ramallah during a night raid and deported the following day.

Night raid in Nablus

In addition to the raids of Bil'in and Ni'lin, sources reported Israeli
forces operating in Nablus, where they detained one man, identified as
22-year-old Shurahbil Awwad.

The young man was taken from his home in the Al-Makhfiyeh area in the west
of Nablus before sunrise.




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