Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 6:04 AM
Subject: Poignant antiwar poem by Marge Piercy: In Your Name


In Your Name

By Marge Piercy

In your name, we have invaded

come with planes, tanks and artillery

into a country and wonder why

they do not like us

be proud

in your name we have bombed villages

and cities leaving torn babies,

the bloated bellies of their mothers,

a little boy crying for his father

who lies under his broken house

the smashed arms of teenagers

in the sun-baked streets

every death creates a warrior

be proud

In your name we have taken men

and women from their homes

in the afternoon breaking down their doors in the night waking them

to the rattle of weapons leaving their children weeping with fear

be proud

in your name we have taken those we suspect

because they were in the wrong place

or because someone who hated them gave their names

or because a soldier didn't like the way they stared at him

put them in cells and strung them up like slaughtered cattle

stripped their clothes and mocked them naked 

ran electricity through their tender parts

set dogs to rip their flesh

in your name

be proud

This is who you are becoming.

There is none other but you sanctioning this.

In your name young boys from Newark and Sandusky

are shot at by people who live in the place

they have been marched to.

 In your name a young woman from Detroit

 is disemboweled by a bomb.

 In your name the sons of out of work miners

 step on land mines.

 In your name their bodies are shipped home.

 In your name fathers return to their children

 maimed and blind, their brains seared.

This is who you are in Athens or in Lima not Ohio

 when people glare at you in the street.

 This is the person your passport identifies,

 the one who allows the order to be given

 for blood to be mixed with sand

 for bones to be mixed with mud

In your name is all this being carried out right now

as we sit here, as we speak, as we sleep.

Every day we do not act, we are permitting.

Every day we do not say no, we all say yes

be proud.





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