Obama is the grandson of Jewish Lord Baruch as explained by Dr. Henry Makow…..


Subject: Keynan Office of JA Affairs: Obama and Congress Request and Obtain 
Extension of Time to File Opposition Brief to Kerchner Appeal 


   Is now an accessory to the fact-mass murder, genocide, WMD (DA, Willy Pete), 
rendition, torture & aiding/abetting the wars in Pakistan, Yemeni, Somalia







Let it be known that there is not ONE christian judge in the entire judiciary 
of America who has the balls to stand up to obama...This is probably the most 
sickening fact I have been forced to accept...I would have never thought it 
possible that every single judge in america; be they from the state or federal 
level would cower and bow down to obama to continue to perpetuate this fraud in 
our country by continuing to give him excuse after excuse to remain the leader 
of our country.... I understand this appellate judge merely granted the Dept. 
of Justices' extension to file a reply brief, but the end result will be to 
uphold the lower courts ruiling in dismissing Kerchners case...Ask urself this 
question...How is it possible an american citizen does not have standing to 
question obamas authority to be POTUS when his entire campaign was based on 
FRAUD??.....Fraud goes to the heart of every transaction from the beginning and 
affects any person who has been a victim of the fraud..These courts are running 
interference for obama and creating precedence from the bench that has nothing 
to do with the current laws on the books..If u bought a car from a dealer and 
he told u it was brand new, but after u got it home, u realized it was used, 
you would have the absolute right to resend the entire contract and recover ur 
money for  it was obtained in fraud,,..Is this any different from obamas 
fraud??...The answer in NO...A fifth grader can understand it!!...bill

ps...If the people in power fear riots and the burning down of our cities and 
schools by denying this fraud the right to stay  in power; then that is a piss 
poor excuse to use considering something worse will eventually take place!!!



Released yesterday at …      

 <http://puzo1.blogspot.com/> http://puzo1.blogspot.com/

Pls read n pass on this very important information concerning the case against 
the FRAUD and Congress…….this THUGACRACY needs to end folks…..send this to 
everyone you know because the LAME STREAM MEDIA is not doing their 
jobs……JOURNALISM IS DEAD!!!!!  Jackie:)          

"We the people are the rightful master of both congress and the courts - not to 
overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the 
Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln  


Friday, February 12, 2010

Obama and Congress Request and Obtain Extension of Time to File Opposition 
Brief to Kerchner Appeal 

On January 19, 2010, I filed the  
 Appellants' Opening Brief in the appeal of Kerchner et al. v. Obama et al. 
which is currently pending in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in 
Philadelphia . In that appeal, we maintain that the New Jersey Federal District 
Court erred in dismissing our case by ruling that plaintiffs do not have 
standing to challenge Obama's alleged eligibility to be President and Commander 
in Chief of the Military and that our case presents a non-justiciable political 
question. In our case, we have provided the  
Founder’s and Framers’ definition of an Article II “ 
natural born Citizen” which is a child born in the country to citizen parents. 
We maintain that Obama is not an Article II “natural born Citizen” because he 
unity of citizenship and allegiance from birth which is obtained when a child 
is born in the United States to a mother and father who are both United States 
citizens at the time of birth. Obama’s father was only a temporary visitor to 
the United States when Obama was born and never even became a resident let 
alone a citizen. Not being an Article II “natural born Citizen,” Obama is not 
eligible to be  
President and Commander in Chief.

We also maintain that Obama has failed to conclusively prove that he was born 
in Hawaii by publicly presenting  
<http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=124656> a copy of a 
contemporaneous birth certificate (a long-form birth certificate generated when 
he was born in 1961 and not simply a digital image of computer generated  
Certification of Live Birth [COLB] allegedly obtained from the Hawaii 
Department of Health in 2007 which was posted on the internet by some unknown 
person in 2008) or through other contemporaneous and objective documentation. 
Having failed to meet his constitutional burden of proof under Article II, 
Section 1, Clause 5, we cannot accept him as a “natural born Citizen 
<http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2009/09/natural-born-citizen-clause-requires.html> .”

The defendants had 30 days within which to file their opposition brief. 
Defendants have requested and obtained from the Court an extension of time to 
file their brief. The Court has granted them until March 8, 2010 to file it. 
After that filing, I will then have a chance to file a reply brief within the 
next 14 days.

You may obtain a  
 copy of my brief Image removed by sender.at this site . We will be posting 
here the defendants' opposition brief after it is filed along with my reply 
brief. I hope that many of you will take the time to read these briefs so that 
you may learn first hand what the legal issues and arguments are regarding 
whether the plaintiffs have standing and/or are precluded by the political 
question doctrine to challenge Obama on his eligibility to be President and 
Commander in Chief, and  
what the meaning of an Article II “natural born Citizen” is.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
February 12, 2010
 <http://puzo1.blogspot.com/> http://puzo1.blogspot.com

If you can, help the cause.
CDR Kerchner, Lead Plaintiff
 <http://www.protectourliberty.org/> http://www.protectourliberty.org




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