Subject: US Warns Japan that they will Destroy Toyota and Honda next.


Dear Friends,


America has changed to a police state of tyranny, of the Human Beast. We are
in the installation phase of it.  Soon, we will be in the execution mode.


We are   WARNED,  to "come out" of this world, or will receive its deadly
"plagues" Rev.18:4.   To receive protection, we must set up God's Kingdom's
governments' Embassies legally Mat.6:10,33.   Christians are   NOW
"classified" as "enemies" of the state, by the  "Trading with the Enemy
Act!"    We can easily be re-classified as  "terrorists," by the whim  of
the Anti-god,  [ since God's JUDGMENT begins on the "house of God," who are
the Christians IPet.4:17 ]  who rules governments by its human instruments,
with the help of demonic forces.   Patriot Act I and II, and the John Warner
Act are some of the laws which are in place to "persecute," and now   KILL
Christians, who are without our Creators angelic protection.


Sorcha Faal sums it up: 

"What can one say about a once great  Nation like the United States that
targets for destruction one of the most honored companies of its allies,
while at the same time announcing it has the   right   to assassinate   its
own citizens at home? "


Please read this article, and then go to my web site, and to read the
article on God's SALVATION.   Then read the article - How to Become an Elect
of God, to help God's First Fruits to be saved from the persecution, and
soon coming holocaust of Christians. 


In the reality of Christ's eternal love,

Tom Demeter




[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]


February 15, 2010


US Warns Japan They Will Destroy Toyota First, Honda Next


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers 


Russian Foreign Ministry sources are reporting in the Kremlin today that
President Obama has issued a "blunt warning" to Prime Minister Yukio
Hatoyama that unless Japan "immediately" reverses course away from China
their giant automaker Toyota will be "completely destroyed" to be
followed "very quickly" by Honda's destruction too. 


These reports note that the growing tensions between the United States
and Japan have accelerated since the historic election this past summer
that brought Hatoyama to power and his vow to the Japanese people to
"rein in" Americans influence over his country and its economy and which
has led to Japan balking at paying the nearly $2 Billion bill presented
to them by Obama that is three times more than Germany (World War II's
other loser) has to pay for the "privilege" of hosting American troops. 


As the World's second largest economy Japan is faced with a staggering
debt-to-GDP ratio of over 220% (compared to the Americans 97.5% rate)
that prompted the United States Standard & Poor's credit reporting
giant's threat this past week to downgrade the Japanese government's
credit rating because Hatoyama is moving too slowly, they say, to reduce
the debt.


Equally enraging Obama, these reports continue, is Hatoyama's efforts to
expose to his citizens the many "secret" agreements made with past
Japanese governments and the US, and as we can read as reported by the
New York Times News Service:


"They were Tokyo's worst-kept diplomatic secrets: clandestine cold war
era agreements with Washington that obligated Japan to shoulder the
costs of United States bases and allow nuclear-armed American ships to
sail into Japanese ports. 


For decades, Japanese leaders have gone to great lengths to deny the
pacts' existence, despite mounting proof to the contrary from the
testimony of former diplomats and declassified documents in the United
States. The most sensational instance came in 1972, when a reporter who
unearthed evidence of one of the treaties was arrested on charges of
obtaining state secrets, reportedly by means of an adulterous affair. 


Now, the so-called secret treaties are causing problems again, this time
in how Japan is handling its suddenly rocky relationship with the United


The new administration in Tokyo, whose election last summer ended a
half-century of nearly unbroken control by the Liberal Democrats, wants
to expose the treaties as a showcase of its determination to sweep aside
the nation's secretive, bureaucrat-dominated postwar order. Last fall,
the foreign minister appointed a team of scholars to scour Japanese
diplomatic archives for evidence of the treaties. Its findings are due
this month. 


The problem is that the inquiry is coming at a delicate moment in
Japan's ties with its longtime patron, the United States. The
administrations of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of Japan and President
Obama are already divided over the relocation of an American air base in
Okinawa. By exposing some of the less savory aspects of Japan's military
reliance on the United States, the investigation has drawn criticism,
particularly from conservatives in both nations, as an effort by the
left-leaning Hatoyama government to pull away from Washington."


But to Obama's sharpest blow against Hatoyama, these reports say, was
his targeting of their most famous corporation Toyota by requiring them
to recall vehicles that have nothing wrong with them and has left the
Japanese in shock over the destruction of one of the World's most
recognized brands. 


Being kept from the Japanese by their leaders, including Hatoyama,
fearful of further enraging the US are the truer facts of this fast
expanding trade war, and as we can read as reported by the Executive
Intelligence Review News Service:


"Japanese and U.S. sources have indicated to EIR that the Toyota recall
of millions of cars (mostly in the U.S.A.), and the massive media
campaign to demonize Toyota, may be at least in part the result of a
conscious effort to undermine, or even destroy, Toyota's U.S.
operations, for refusing to support efforts to bailout worthless debt
instruments. Japanese sources said that it was widely believed by
knowledgeable people in Japan that there is an effort to undermine
Toyota, but that the Japanese press won't report it.


Today, however, the Korea Herald reported it:


The world's most dominant and profitable automaker's recall of over 8.5
million cars has spiraled out of control. At first, it seemed to be a
normal recall of defective cars. But the crisis Toyota Motor Corp. faces
has surpassed the purely 'business' level to involve political and
geopolitical dimensions. Many observers suspect something other than
safety concerns behind the harsh response of the United States to
Toyota's recall. To former Kia Motors chairman Kim Sun-hong, the U.S.
reaction to the Toyota problem is an act of 'killing the chickens to
scare the monkeys.'


The Herald explains this Chinese proverb as a reference to the cruel yet
effective tactic of killing one to tame a hundred: As monkeys misbehave
in the treetops, annoyed humans violently kill chickens in front of the
monkeys. From fear, the monkeys get silent and tamed.


The former Kia chairman told the Herald that Toyota has had many
recalls, which are a normal and responsible thing among all auto
companies. However, said Kim, in the eyes of certain American financial
interests, "Toyota has crossed the line that it should not have


Sources told EIR that the "line" being referred to was that Toyota
pulled out of joint ventures with General Motors last year, when U.S.
interests were asking Toyota to help bail them out (referring to bailing
out huge amounts of worthless financial derivatives and other
speculative financial instruments that GMAC got stuck with in its
financial speculative activity). Founded to finance motor vehicles
sales, GMAC Financial Services is reportedly one of the world's largest
financial services companies, having expanded into financial services,
including banking, mortgages, investing, and insurance. GM now only owns
6.7% of GMAC Financial Services, while the hedge fund Cerberus owns
about 15%, and over 56% is owned by the U.S. Treasury, as the result of
the U.S. government bailout.


Not only has the U.S. press run, on a daily basis, exaggerated and
selective reports on the supposed dangers of Toyota cars (for years
recognized as among the safest and most solidly constructed cars in the
world), but the Wall Street Journal even ran a lead story blatantly
advising that people sell their Toyota stock.


Kim added:


The message that Washington wants to send through the Toyota recall
crisis is that other companies could also be put into such a quandary.
The U.S. government wants its trading partners to heed the warning."


To an unsuspecting American public who were led like "sheep to
slaughter" by their propaganda media organs to elect Obama believing
that a "new era" of change was upon them should view these actions
against the Japanese people in alarm as he is now attempting to assume
even greater dictatorial powers over them then even Bush had attempted,
including allowing, for the first time ever, his intelligence agencies
to assassinate American citizens in their own homeland, and as we can
read as reported by the ABC News Service in their report titled "License
to Kill? Intelligence Chief Says U.S. Can Take Out American Terrorists",
and which says:


"The director of national intelligence affirmed rather bluntly today
that the U.S. intelligence community has authority to target American
citizens for assassination if they present a direct terrorist threat to
the United States. 


"We take direct actions against terrorists in the intelligence
community; if . we think that direct action will involve killing an
American, we get specific permission to do that," Director of National
Intelligence Dennis Blair told the House Intelligence Committee."


What can one say about a once great Nation like the United States that
targets for destruction one of the most honored companies of its allies,
while at the same time announcing it has the right to assassinate its
own citizens? 


The first thing that comes to our mind is how incredibly sad for the
American people who, even as these words are being written, remain
asleep to the growing horrors around them, but which can not be said of
nearly 100 Police Chiefs across America who have "suddenly" resigned
rather than be a part of Obama's "New America" that, in fact, is nothing
more than a continuation of Bush's push to militarize the entire United
States so the "rich can richer" and the "poor even poorer". 


C February 15, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved
  Sorcha Faal

END of Report.





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