From: Mike Benoit [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:25 AM
Subject: Alex Jones added to Liberty Works Radio Network/I am there too


civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=19&qid=233> Image removed by sender.
civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=19&qid=233> Liberty Works Radio Network

            Fellowship Newsletter 


 Proclaiming Liberty Throughout The Land

John Baptist Kotmair, Jr., Fiduciary



Liberty Works Radio Network, (,has a complete lineup of the
best talk show hosts in radio, and deserves your faithful support!


LWRN is pleased to announce that on February 10th Alex Jones was added to
the lineup, he is on from 12 PM to 3 PM Eastern time Monday through Friday,
giving LWRN the ability to cover the complete Patriotic informational
spectrum. In Alex Jones, LWRN has one of the most far-reaching investigative
reporters concerning the globalist movement. He is well known for exposing
American traitors, and their every move to subvert our Constitutional
Republic. If you are unaware of Alex, you will be amazed at the factual
accuracy of his reports. Alex has braved all forms of threats and
harassments. We have available a video of Alex being manhandled and spirited
away from a George W. Bush re-election rally for his second term for
Governor of Texas, and dumped on a deserted road for just asking a question
of Bush about he, and his family's globalist connections. It is a must see,
which we will forward for a donation of at least $9.00. Just send your
request to LWRN, 12 Carroll Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, and ask for
the video entitled The Real George W. Bush, Mr. Gestapo!!


In Glen Beck, Mark Levin and Imus, LWRN has three of the most well known
hosts that are accepted authorities by a great number within the Tea Party
movement. Their presences brings newly awaken Patriots to LWRN, and exposes
them to our Patriot hosts who work tirelessly trying to awaken Americans to
their heritage of individual freedom, giving evidence that the Founders
created a government whose only function is to secure man's God Given
Rights. It does not matter whether Beck, Levin and Imus are for real or not,
they only know what they know, as long as they serve the function of
bringing Patriots to be educated.

Beck's producer called me on February 5th to discuss the unlawful injunction
against Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, its staff, and myself violating our
secured First Amendment Rights. He had been on the SAPF website, and read
all about it. He concluded the conversation by saying that they would get


At this time, e-mails are flying throughout the Patriot community berating
Glen Beck for his comments about Debra Medina, the Patriot candidate for the
Governorship of the State of Texas. While being interviewed by Beck, Medina
answered his question regarding the alleged government involvement in the
9/11 terrorist attacks, that some serious questions have been raised that
deserve to be answered. After the interview, Beck made statements on his
show that would give rise to her qualifications to be Governor upsetting
Patriots, and caused a stream of demands that he be removed from the LWRN
lineup. Our answer to these demands is that such confrontations build
audiences, and keep the issue alive for debate, which is the heart of Talk
Radio. If we would keep LWRN voice pure Patriot slant, we would be
curtailing our reach to the choir only. We cannot become what we despise.


LWRN hosts Tommy Cryer, Joe Banister, Bobby D., Patrick Gibson, Schuler
"Rocky" Reidel, Michael Benoit, Michael Slattery and David Carmichael, give
LWRN the knowledge and ability to inform the newly awakened Americans of
things about our form of government, and how it is not, but should be
operating within the law. Teaching things that are no longer, but should be,
taught in our educational institutions. These hosts are filling in the voids
that make it easy for any person of average intelligence to identify those
conspiratorial individuals who are violating the law to further their
desires for global government, causing political and financial havoc to our
every day existence. Hopefully, these hosts will play a major role in
keeping the Tea Party movement from being hijacked by the globalist, as was
such movements in the past.


Yes, LWRN is unique in its ability to offset the establishment media
propaganda, rendering it to no effect, helping to get America back to
political and economical sanity. It must not, and cannot fail. Please do
everything within your power to help financially, LWRN's very existence
depends on it. Bills must be paid for this crucial educational effort to
continue. Forward whatever amount you can afford, no matter how small
immediately, time is of the essence. Also, make every effort to build the
LWRN Fellowship, 27 cents a day does not hurt anyone's pocketbook. Such a
pittance donated by enough Patriots will make the expansion of Truth in
Broadcasting a reality throughout our Republic. As stated in the February
issue of the Liberty Tree newsletter, all it will take is for each LWRN
Fellowship member to recruit one new member per month, and our bills are
taken care of. Again, please send whatever you can now, do not put it off;
America's future, and that of LWRN is in your hands. We are poised to do the
job, whether we have the opportunity to become a major media source,
rivaling the establishment media, IS UP TO YOU!


God Bless you, and Our Republic, may we preserve it for our posterity.



Image removed by sender.




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