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From: uk-911-tr...@googlegroups.com [mailto:uk-911-tr...@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of cem
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 5:09 AM
To: UK 9/11 & 7/7 Truth
Subject: [UK-911-Truth] US army chief: We are obligated to make sure that
the Holocaust will never happen again


US army chief: We are obligated to make sure that the Holocaust will
never happen again

"We, all of us, are obligated to make sure that such terrible events
[i.e. the Holocaust] will never happen again."

[US army chief Michael Mullen, speech at the Yad Vashem Holocaust
Museum, Jerusalem, 15 February 2010]  [1]

"We would operate all our forces for Israel. [.] The option to attack
Iran is still on the table, but we're not there yet."

[US army chief Michael Mullen, joint press conference with the Israeli
army chief Gabi Ashkenazi, Tel Aviv, 14 February 2010]  [2]


from the archives:

"Our soul screams out: 'This [i.e. the Holocaust] can't be correct,
this must not be real.' But then, defeated, it screams out 'Never
Again.' "

[Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, comments in the visitors'
book, Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, Jerusalem, 1 February 2010]  [3]

"Never again ignore blood-thirsty dictators, hiding behind demagogical
masks, who utter murderous slogans. The threats to annihilate a people
and a nation are voiced in the shadow of weapons of mass-destruction,
which are held by irresponsible hands, by irrational thinking and in
an untruthful language."

[Israeli President Shimon Peres, speech on the International Holocaust
Remembrance Day, Germany's Parliament Bundestag, Berlin, 27 January
2010]  [4]

"We cannot allow this to be repeated.  We, means the whole civilized
world.  We cannot allow those who wish to perpetrate mass death, those
who call for the destruction of the Jewish people or the Jewish state,
to go unchallenged. [.] [T]he most important thing to do is to nip it
at the bud."

[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speech at the Axel
Springer publishing house, Berlin, 27 August 2009] [5]

"The Holocaust is [.] an eternal responsibility of our country, and
part of a basic tenet of our policy [.] is to defend Israel always,
[.] and that is why we feel so responsible now also as regards Iran."

[Germany's Prime Minister Angela Merkel, joint press conference with
the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Berlin, 27 August 2009]  [6]

"There are clocks ticking all around. One of those clocks is the
uranium enrichment clock, which will show that by a certain date the
Iranians will have sufficient, highly enriched uranium materials to
create a bomb that could literally wipe Israel off the map in a matter
of seconds. "

[Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren, Aspen Ideas Festival,
Colorado, 3 July 2009]  [7]

"When you see the gas chambers, the concentration camps, [.] it makes
you absolutely determined that we should not ever allow this to happen

[UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, interview at the Auschwitz-Birkenau
concentration camp, 28 April 2009]  [8]

"How do we ensure that 'never again' isn't an empty slogan, or merely
an aspiration, but also a call to action?"

[US President Barack Obama, Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony, United
States Capitol, Washington D.C., 23 April 2009]  [9]

"France will always stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel when her
security and existence are threatened. [.] And those who call
scandalously for Israel's destruction will always find France in their
way, blocking the path."

[France's President Nicholas Sarkozy, speech at the Israeli Parliament
Knesset, Jerusalem, 23 June 2008]  [10]



[1]  Admiral Mullen Visits Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum

Israel Defense Forces website, 15 February 2010


[2]  U.S Army Chief: "Iran attack option on the table"

Israel Defense Forces website, 14 February 2010


[3]  Visit of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi at Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum) website, 1 February 2010


[4]  Address by President Peres at the German Bundestag

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, 27 January 2010


[5]  PM Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech at Axel Springer, Berlin, Germany

(Israeli) Prime Minister's Office website, 27 August 2009


[6]  Joint Press Conference of PM Netanyahu and Chancellor of Germany,
Angela Merkel in Berlin

(Israeli) Prime Minister's Office website, 27 August 2009


[7]  Israel US ambassador warns of Iranian bomb

by Yitzak Benhorin, Ynetnews, 3 July 2009


[8]  PM's words at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp
Number 10 (UK Prime Minister's Office) website, 29 April 2009


[9]  Remarks by the President at the Holocaust Days of Remembrance

The White House website, 23 April 2009


[10]  Speech by M. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Republic, to the

Embassy of France in Washington website, 23 June 2008



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