On Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:12:03 +0000 (UTC) Jason Spiro
<jasonspi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rob Landley <rob@...> wrote:
> > 
> > I plan to implement vi over the next year, but it's one of the four
> > realy big commands required by posix (sed, awk, sh, vi) and I've
> > been debugging sed against real-world data for _weeks_ now. [...]
> > 
> > There are some others (the kernel build requires bc now, if I'm
> > doing "less" and "vi" I should be able to do "screen", and "rsync"
> > is really useful...) but right now I'm focused on the list for 1.0,
> > and there are a lot of smaller commands (and the giant backlog of
> > pending cleanups) that could get knocked off the list faster...
> In this message, I will tell you why I think toybox should emulate
> tmux instead of GNU Screen.

Well, if I can go ahead with my plans for boxes for toybox, which will
eventually include a screen / tmux type system, then no one has to
convince me to make it more like tmux than screen.  I fully agree with
you, tmux is much better, it's what I use.  I've configured tmux to be
friendly to screen users in the past, and convinced one of my clients
to switch to it.  Actually, he convinced himself with the phrase
"ooooh, you can resize the window panes with your mouse".  Mind you,
he was resizing MY window panes from another computer at the time,
which annoyed me watching from the other side of the city.  lol

> Let me begin.
> GNU Screen, a "terminal multiplexer", is very useful.  Still, I've
> since switched to tmux.  It's a newer terminal multiplexer, and is
> BSD-licensed. It is true that GNU Screen has now started making
> releases again for the first time in half a decade.  Still, I like
> tmux so much that I don't plan to switch back to Screen.

From my point of view tmux seems to be better designed.

> tmux makes certain operations easier.[1]  For example:  It ships with 
> preconfigured keybindings (<C-b> 0, <C-b> 1, ..., <C-b> 9) which let
> you jump to low-numbered windows in just a few keystrokes.  Another
> example:  To renumber a window, you need only hit five keys (<C-b> .
> 9 <RET>), instead of nine (<C-a> : n u <TAB> 9 <RET>).
> tmux is also easier to learn.  For example:  It shows a status line
> (tab bar) by default, instead of forcing users to mess with complex
> configuration options just to get a status line.  See screenshot[2].
> tmux is included in the software repositories of Ubuntu, Debian
> "stable", and other distros.
> tmux's basic keybindings are fairly similar to Screen's.  But,
> instead of Ctrl+A, tmux's default prefix is Ctrl+B.  (This is
> reconfigurable.)

I do generally configure the hot key and a few others for screen
compatibility.  So that if I ever have to use screen, then I know what
to do, and others used to screen can still use my tmux installs.

Tmux is also built for scripting, which is hard for screen.  I have a
script that, for instance, connects to a tmux session, switches through
particular windows in that session, issuing commands to each window, to
automate some backups, running from a cron job.  The other sysadmin for
that server had originally used screen, coz she didn't know about tmux,
and completely failed to get screen to be able to do anything like that.

> You can find a tmux reference card[3] on the Web.
> Dear Rob:  I know you mention Screen in your todo.txt file[4].  But
> please consider instead mentioning tmux.  Those who are familiar only
> with good old Screen can either adapt to the nicer user interface
> that tmux provides, or can download and install Screen themselves.

In the end, I'll likely do what I did for the boxes based editors, make
it generic, and allow people to build their own variations easily.  So
screen and tmux users will both be happy.  After all, the boxes based
editors already support all the editors / pagers on the toybox roadmap
(except sed), and a couple more.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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