On 06/19/2017 03:30 PM, enh wrote:
> forgot to update the version number in main.c? (hmm... seems like the
> tarball has that change, but git doesn't.)

Sigh. Did you know git push --tags" doesn't update remote "master"? I
think this is at least the third time I've hit this...

(It pushed the commit so I could see it in the repo by hash, but master
didn't point to it. It was just sort of there.)

> should the CFG_TOYBOX_HELP bit in help_exit come _after_the verror_msg
> call? it looks a bit odd saying...
> See ps --help
> ps: unknown option blah
> ...instead of
> ps: unknown option blah
> See ps --help

Yeah, I second guessed this a couple times while implementing it.

Putting the error message on the last line is optimizing for veterans:
what's right above the command promopt is the cause of the failure. I
admit it's kind of awkward as english, but I'm assuming people only need
to be introduced to --help a couple times, and will be seeing error
messages over and over. So _usually_, the see --help isn't the
interesting bit. (It's vital for your first couple times, and beyond
that it's noise.) If the command itself output a lot of text, the error
message is harder to spot if it's not right at the end.

I also originally had it say "See %s --help for details" but that's more
english words that don't get translated, and the point is just to let
you know where to go next so you're not blocked. (I.E. --help is available.)

This is just my guess at an aesthetic issue, if you have a strong
opinion I'll change it. The other reading _is_ more natural as english,
and only very slightly less mechanically useful for programmers...

(It's always the questions with no clear winner that are hard to decide...)

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