> (I've been thinking of putting it on landley.net but dreamhost's docs
> about putting anything there are all "you can store your website in
> a .git repo, and then mirror your website repo to github!" That's not
> what I'm trying to do, thanks. Can I get a cgit instance running on
> landley.net/git/toybox or similar? Sigh, I may have to host my own
> server at some point. Really dowanna do that, but I miss the control
> of back when I _did_ do that and the "send us a raspbery pi" folks
> don't seem too crazy...)

I have a TODO item for finding an alternative to github, and I have my
own server in Europe.  Among other things it's one of the mirrors for
Devuan packages and ISOs.  I've not played with cgit before, and I note
it's in the Devuan package repo, so I might install it and give it a go.

I'm happy to share Rob.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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