On Friday, February 23rd, 2024 at 21:14, Mouse <mo...@rodents-montreal.org> 
> > unexpand "converts spaces to tabs".
> > This commands behavior is so simple (s/ /\t/g) that it can be
> > knocked out in a couple hours,
> Well...sort of. unexpand without -a can be, sure. With -a, it's more
> complicated, unless you are willing to assume things like "no multibyte
> characters" or "all non-ASCII text is Shift-JIS".
> > Since the command only looks for 2 characters (' ' and '\t'), no UTF
> > safety checking is required,
> Safety? If you want to support multibyte characters of any sort with
> -a, you need to parse them enough to determine how many bytes make up
> each character, because that affects how many spaces to eat to convert
> to a tab. (Without -a, this is not an issue.)
> For example, if you get a line containing, in hex,
> d0 b0 d0 b0 d0 b0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40
> then (assuming 8-character tabstops and -a in effect), then under
> 8859-1 you have (to use Unicode names) LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH and
> DEGREE SIGN, with the pair repeated three times, and you thus convert
> the first two of the spaces to a tab, but under UTF-8 you have three
> instances of CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A and you thus convert the first
> five of the spaces to a tab. (Handling tabs in the input makes it
> even more complicated.)

>From the NetBSD Manpage you quote later:
"If the -a option is given, then tabs are inserted
whenever they would compress the resultant file by replacing two or
more characters."

Correct me if I'm wrong, But I don't see how utf8 has anything to do with this? 
it takes a string of spaces,
Replaces it with length/tabwidth tabs, then length%tabwidth spaces, POSIX says 
this too:
"translate all sequences of two or more <blank> characters immediately 
preceding a tab stop 
to the maximum number of <tab> characters followed by the minimum number of 
<space> characters 
needed to fill the same column positions originally filled by the translated 
<blank> characters."

Sigh, skimming over lib/utf8.c, assuming utf8len() is like strlen() but for 
that might make things a bit easier? Was hoping to never have to touch utf8 
while writing

> > The GNU man page doesn't say if spaces are supposed to be processed
> > beyond the beginning of lines.
> The GNU man page is relevant to only the GNU version. 

It's not relevant to _any_ version because it does not document the behavior
of any implementation, Not even it's own. It fails to document known user-end
noticeable things such as the actual behavior of -a. Saying
"convert all blanks, instead of just initial blanks" and NOTHING else for the 
of -a is misleading.

> I would not use
> it as a reference for anything else, least of all what the command
> should do in the abstract. (That said, I would have hoped they would
> document their software more precisely, such as saying what happens to
> non-initial whitespace in the absence of -a.)
> A non-GNU (NetBSD) manapge I have handy says
> -a By default, only leading blanks and tabs are reconverted to maximal
> strings of tabs. If the -a option is given, then tabs are inserted
> whenever they would compress the resultant file by replacing two or
> more characters.
> which is, at least, clearer. (That version has nothing like GNU's
> --first-only, or at least the manpage doesn't.)
> > [...], and the "--first-only" option serves the same purpose as grep
> > -G (None at all, [...])
> Actually, it does; it can be specified to get the default behaviour
> when the opposing option might have been specified already. For
> example, if I have a wrapper script (let's call it "unex")
> #! /bin/sh
> set $UNEX_OPTIONS "$@"
> unexpand "$@"
> then I can run "unex --first-only" to get the default behaviour
> regardless of whether -a is present in $UNEX_OPTIONS.

-   Oliver Webb <aquahobby...@proton.me>
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