> First of all, I was a bit confused with the SVN part. I figured (being
> an SVN user and admin) that to utilize the svn repos I would need to
> configure the directives in the httpd.conf (or subversion.conf) config
> file. But, it looks like trac takes care of all that.
> Please tell me that I've guessed right here ;-)

Unfortunately, you guessed wrong ;-)

Trac provides an improved browser of the SVN repository, that is nice
HTML presentation of the repository contents, but not SVN access. In
other words, a SVN client (svn, TortoiseSVN, etc.) cannot access the
SVN repository through Trac. From a more technical perspective Trac
does not provide WebDAV access to the repository.

This means that you need to configure your Apache server as without
Trac if you want a SVN client to access the repository.

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