Hi all,

I have just merged some changes into master and 2.1_branch which will speed
up your home page a lot if you have many todos on it. (On my ~80 todos home
page about 60% server-side)

The biggest action server-side that took a lot of time was the
markdown/sanitize step on a todo's note. I've changed Tracks to store the
rendered note in the database on saving the todo. 
I read a tip on this and had a why-didn't-I-think-of-this-before moment

I'm going to include this for 2.1, but the change is a bit intrusive. Please
help test this! 
I'm considering doing a 2.1RC2, what do you think? 

If you pull in the latest 2.1, please note that you need to migrate your
database. Also note that the client-side rendering in your webbrowser is not
changed by this. There is room for improvement there, but I like to pick
that one up for 2.2 on rails3 


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