Yes, this is passenger not working together with bundler to find the gems.
I've put some instructions in the install manual to configure bundler for




Van: Alan Ristow [] 
Verzonden: zaterdag 21 april 2012 19:18
Aan: Reinier Balt
Onderwerp: Re: [Tracks-discuss] Trouble upgrading to 2.1


Okay, I've made some progress. I deleted my Tracks 2.1 install and started
from scratch, and everything from bundle install to the database migration
went off without a hitch. Clearly I messed something up the first time
around, though what I have no idea....

Now I have a new issue, though I suppose it's more a Ruby problem than a
Tracks problem. When I launch the server process and try to view my Tracks
install through the browser, I get a "Ruby on Rails application could not be
started" error from Passenger. The error message indicates RedCloth could
not be found, and the backtrace indicates that it is looking for it in
/usr/local/lib instead of my local gem repository.

Since this seems to be a Ruby problem I will try to solve it on my own, but
if you have any ideas off the top of your head I would appreciate hearing



On 04/21/2012 06:10 PM, Reinier Balt wrote: 

Do not use bundle exec rake gems:install, but use bundle install. It should
pull in the datanoise-actionwebservice gem for you.




[] Namens Alan Ristow
Verzonden: zaterdag 21 april 2012 14:07
Onderwerp: [Tracks-discuss] Trouble upgrading to 2.1



I tried to upgrade to Tracks 2.1 today. I ended up having to upgrade
rubygems in the process to get "bundle install" to complete successfully --
no big deal, once I figured out how to update the Ruby environment (Tracks
is the only exposure to Ruby I have ever had).

Anyhow, where I really get stuck is in the database updating step. I run:

    bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

And get:

    Please install RDoc 2.4.2+ to generate documentation.
    Missing these required gems:
      datanoise-actionwebservice  >= 0

    You're running:
      ruby at /usr/local/bin/ruby
      rubygems 1.8.23 at /home/ristow/ruby/gems/ruby/1.8, /home/ristow/gems,

    Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.

When I run "rake gems:install" I am given a warning about the rake version
and am told to try running with "bundle exec", so I do:

    bundle exec rake gems:install

And get:

    Please install RDoc 2.4.2+ to generate documentation.
    DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in
vendor/plugins/open_id_authentication/tasks, vendor/plugins
/simple_ldap_authenticator/tasks, and vendor/plugins/translate/tasks are
deprecated. Use lib/tasks instead. (called from
    gem install datanoise-actionwebservice --version ">= 0" --source
    ERROR:  Error installing datanoise-actionwebservice:
            activemodel requires activesupport (= 3.2.3)

I successfully installed activesupport outside of the bundle environment,
but that makes no difference. So I try:

    bundle exec gem install activesupport

And get:

    Successfully installed activesupport-3.2.3
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for activesupport-3.2.3...

    unrecognized option `--encoding'

    For help on options, try 'rdoc --help'

    ERROR:  While generating documentation for activesupport-3.2.3
    ... MESSAGE:   exit
    ... RDOC args: --ri --op
/home/ristow/ruby/gems/doc/activesupport-3.2.3/ri --encoding UTF-8 lib
--title activesupport-3.2.3 Documentation --quiet

It says it successfully installed activesupport, though it failed to build
the docs, so then I re-run:

    bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

However, I get exactly the same error as before, and end up in an endless

As I said before, I am not terribly experienced with Ruby, so I wouldn't be
surprised if I am simply overlooking something that is obvious to all of
you. However, after spending a couple of hours on it I have become stuck.

I appreciate whatever help you can offer me. Let me know if you need
additional information for troubleshooting.



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