Hi all,

I've tried the new cache-digests gem to easy add caching to Tracks. 
(I had to clone the gem to enable it running on ruby 1.8.7)

I have cached Todo, Context (different for home page, tag page and tickler)
and Project. This brought nice speed improvements for server-rendering.

For who is interested, it is currently on the add_cache branch if you want
to test it out. I've added bullet and rack-mini-profiler there too. The
second is enabled in development only so you can see the difference. Be sure
to enable caching in development in config/environments/development.rb if
you try this from development environment. Production has caching enabled by

Please note: The biggest culprit right now is the javascript performance.
This is not affected in any way by this caching

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will be closed shortly. The new list is at


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