Dear all,

You may have seen my earlier messages about having to move this mailing list quickly because I have to move all my domains off Joyent. Well, thanks to the hard work of Dan Rice (ably assisted by Reinier Balt), the list and all the archives has now moved to a Google Group called TracksApp:!forum/tracksapp

This Mailman list will be closing very soon, so if you are still interested in remaining subscribed to the list, please join the new Google Group. Once you have done so, you can post to the list using the following email address:

Please note that the emails will now have the subject prefix [Tracks-discuss], so if you had mail rules or filters set up, you may want to adjust them appropriately.

The new group has a lot of nice facilities, and is actually somewhat better set up for a group of contributors to administer than Mailman was, so I think it is a step in the right direction!

Thanks to all of you who have contributed to the old Mailman list, and long live the new list! Many thanks again to Dan and Reinier for their speedy and very proficient work in getting the new list set up and the old archive imported.



but she's a girl - the weblog of a female geek
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