Hi everyone!

I'm pleased to announce the launch of the new transcode support site
located here:


This site will host all the transcode support resources currently
scatthered through various sites:


I'll *NOT* move, nor duplicate, the official transcode
wiki (http://www.transcoding.org) on berlios.de.

I'll *NOT* move, nor duplicate, the official transcode mailing lists
(currently hosted on exit1.org).
I'll *NOT* add further mailing lists (no need for them, yet).

I'll *NOT* move, nor duplicate, the official transcode source
code repository (http://cvs.exit1.org) on berlios.de.

Anyway, a SVN mirror of CVS HEAD which will serve as base for
experimentations (and periodically synced with main CVS) will be
uploaded after the 1.1.0 release.

Of course it is possible to move one or both on berlios if there is
general agreement about that.
Berlios offers out-of-the-box SVN and/or HG (and just for the record I
found any of both more comfortable than old and venerable CVS :))

On the other hand, the announcement pages (http://fromani.exit1.org)
will be moved on berlios. 
Berlios will also serve as support download site.
I'll also add *EXPERIMENTAL* branches (say, the new-input one:
http://fromani.exit1.org/transcode-ninput-20080412-preview.tar.bz2 and
something else currently laying in my hdd :)), support tools and
anything else related to transcode and which will maybe end in the
official release on berlios.
Rationale: easier to work, public access, don't clutter the official
repository and keep it low-traffic.

So, to summarize:
- contents currently located on http://fromani.exit1.org will move on
- experimental branches, new and/or experimental tools and stuff will
be publieshed on http://tcforge.berlios.de
- http://tcfoundry.hostme.it and the mantis will be moved on
http://tcforge.berlios.de after the 1.1.0 release; later, the site will
be dismantled.
- everything else will stay as it is now.

Discussions and comments welcome.

Francesco Romani // Ikitt
http://fromani.exit1.org  ::: transcode homepage
http://tcforge.berlios.de ::: transcode experimental forge

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