On 27 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dear sir,
>   Sorry to trouble you again.I have read your FAQ.Although it say  "5.2 - Where can 
>I find the source code for the packages?",there is no more information.
>   Could you give me an answer that Trinux give or not give source code?
>              sorry to disturb you!
>                                best regards from lixiaoqun

That FAQ is very old.  As it says on the boot screen, most of the tools
can be found on my OpenSEC site.  There are also some small ones still
laying around in the /tools directory on the FTP server.  Re: Trinux,
itself, most of the original code is all shell scripts anyway, so look at
the linuxrc, and the scripts in /init on the boot floppy for what makes
Trinux work.


 Matthew D. Franz                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://www.trinux.org                 Trinux: A Linux Security Toolkit
 http://www.opensec.net                OpenSEC: Open Security Solutions
 http://www.tds.com                                Trident Data Systems

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