Izzy wrote:
> BTW, David, I'm pretty amazed that you have 
> delivered your own babies! Do you have any 
> helpers? (Caroline is one BRAVE woman!) 

No helpers; just Caroline, me, and the Spirit of Christ. 

Caroline tends to be a private person, so she prefers it this way.  When
our second child was coming along, we had a mid-wife who had met with us
for one or two prenatal visits, then called us and told us that things
were just not clicking between us and she thought we should find someone
else to assist with the delivery.  The Lord all along was leading me
toward delivering our children myself, but I was a little too chicken.
I had never heard of anyone doing that, and I was already in hot water
with some family members for the degree to which I trusted the Lord for
health and healing.  I thought this would get me completely disowned.
Anyway, in struggling with this direction of the Lord, I read a book
called "Born in Zion" by Carol Balizet, and it opened my eyes to my
authority in my household and how I should not be giving my authority
over to a stranger for the delivery of my children.  She had an entire
ministry geared toward this, where she helped hundreds upon hundreds
experience home deliveries with no licensed medical attendants.  The
court system actually had prosecuted her for practicing medicine without
a license, but because she did not actually deliver any babies, but
simply prayed in the other room while the father delivered it, they lost
their case against her.  Well, anyway, I believed her message and what
the Lord was directly leading us to do, and the result has been more
wonderful than I can express with words.  We would not do it any other
way.  There is no going back.  

Childbirth for us is a wonderful, spiritual experience on the same level
as baptism in the Spirit, communion, marriage, etc.  A new life is
coming forth into the world, about to be named and consecrated unto the
Lord.  We approach the event in worshipful rest, with no eagerness to
have it happen before it is time.  There are no doctors or nurses
yelling "PUSH!  PUSH!."  Nobody is being inconvenienced by the event.
It is the most wonderful worship experience ever.  We also have found it
is a way to painless childbirth, a side effect of the simplicity, trust,
faith, and worship surrounding it.  I wish everyone could experience
what this is like.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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