Michael D wrote : As you know Iz, I do not disagree with the above statement. It's the notion that this is a requirement for all believers that I, and others, are trying to show is contrary to the word of God.


Izzy wrote:

Michael, You have to do whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to do. 

If you want to disregard the 4th commandment, that is between the two of you.

If you don’t think you have replaced Sabbath rest with Sunday rest, that is up to your own conscience.  

 I must do what the Lord has put on my heart. 


Obviously, Michael, you are not heeeeeearing meeeee…….






-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of michael
Tuesday, October 28, 2003 3:46 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Something To Ponder


ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



Those who attempt to obtain salvation by the obeying the Law are “under the law”.  I am not.  I do, however, choose to be obedient to the commandment of resting on the Sabbath.  God never voided the Sabbath.  Jesus, Paul, and all the apostles observed Sabbath, even after Jesus rose.

Michael D: It is clear Izzy, that Paul never required the Gentiles to keep the Sabbath day commandment. That has nothing to do with the RCC. Acts 15 makes that very clear.

Hey Izzy, did you take up my suggestion to read through Acts 15 carefully re what the apostles and the Holy Ghost said about keeping the law of Moses?  What do you think they were emphasizing? I'd love to hear your insights on that.

Izzy: Which of my statements, above, are you disputing? Acts 15 states that gentiles do not have to be circumcised (they are circumcised in their hearts), but should eat clean foods.  It does not mention the Sabbath; probably because that was not an issue in question, as they all did it without dispute. I do encourage you to read through Acts 15 very carefully, Izzy. It will show you the mind of God very clearly concerning this.


Michael D: Izzy, when we take a close look at Acts 15, we find that it was not just circumcision and eating of 'clean' meats that it addresses. It addresses the keeping of the whole law:  

  5. But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses. Do you see that, Iz? It's the whole law in question.


An important question here is whether the 4th commandment is a part of the law of Moses. Would you agree that it is, Izzy? If you can admit that, then you must see that the sabbath is also included in the debate in Acts 15. To make it clearer, look at verse 24.

   24.  Forasmuch as we have heard that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment...

As we can see, Izzy, James makes it plain that they were requiring obedience to the law for the Gentiles, but that the Holy Ghost said a big NO! (vs 28) it's not for them. Hence my point at the opening of this post.




Izzy, I think one must understand that worshipping on Sunday, as practised today, is not a replacement for Sabbath keeping per se. It is a day when Christians choose to meet to be edified (really should be to edify each other a la I Cor 14). It could have been Wednesday (if societal norms were organized around that day) the same things would take place. Those who call Sunday the Christian Sabbath are a bit mistaken. The Christian Sabbath has nothing to do with a day. That's why Paul says, one man esteems one day above the others, but another man esteems all alike, and both are OK. The fact that our rest is in Christ, allows those options to be both acceptable.


Michael, You have to do whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to do. 

Michael D:Do you think that the Holy Spirit will lead me contrary to His word, Iz?

If you want to disregard the 4th commandment, that is between the two of you.

Michael D: True Iz, but God says the Law is not to be commanded the Gentiles. How do you reconcile that with having to keep the sabbath day commandment? 


If you don’t think you have replaced Sabbath rest with Sunday rest, that is up to your own conscience.  You wrote: The Christian Sabbath has nothing to do with a day However, I am sure you don’t rest 7 days as week. I agree with Paul that I am not to judge you for whatever days you choose to honor. 


 I must do what the Lord has put on my heart. 

Michael D: As you know Iz, I do not disagree with the above statement. It's the notion that this is a requirement for all believers that I, and others, are trying to show is contrary to the word of God. Please realise that we are showing you where God's word is saying this, not our own imagination. Please read Acts 15 carefully and relate to what it says, and let that be your doctrine. 

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