David Miller: Hi Pagan Wolf. I appreciate you taking time to talk about your religion. I often encounter pagans when preaching, but I don't often find any willing to talk too much about their religion. It is as if they just want to say that they are pagan for the shock value.

They will readily talk with me about many matters, but when I begin asking specific questions, they get uncomfortable and don't really provide answers in such a way that I can see they follow a different religion than the rest of society. Maybe you can answer some of my questions.

TPW: And I must apologize for such behaviour. You see you may encounter some who will just say they worship some heathen god, in the hopes of aggravating the preacher. But you will find that if you take an actual curiousity in their faith, many Pagans will actually open up and be more than willing to tell you about their reasons.

However you have to bare in mind that over the years there have been many preachers who have been aggressive towards us and even some organizations (Such a Chick publishing ) who have been in heavy misinformation campaigns and spreading ludicrous facts about us. Hence, when questionned we feel our first line of defense is secrecy. After seeing many members of our communities being harrased, we decided that rather to turn to violence, we chose to remain hidden when facing those who wouldn't listen to us to begin with.

Only to open up to the curious. And even then, unlike Christians, we don't believe in recruiting. It's not our way, besides, being a Pagan is not for everyone.

Dave Miller: In my preaching activities, I have heard many pagans who seem to mention Thor as their god before all others. Why is that? Do you guys have some kind of organization or book or set of books that bring you all together on this? Can you name the different gods of your pantheon and explain why you believe in them? Can you expound upon Thor and your relationship with him?

TPW: Gladly. I strongly recommend that site, http://www.ealdriht.org/. It will satiate alot the scholarly aspects of your curiousity. But I will focus on what you perceive as a "relationship" with Thor. That is a mistake on your part, but it understandable, since you have a "relationship" with your god.

No, Thor in some respect is a "God of the people". But in the Asatru fashion, we seek to emulate the qualities of said patron god and avoid their weaknesses. Thor tends to be the "protector" of the people, the hero. I, as an Asatru, I seek to uphold the nine virtues and and be of service by keeping those in the community strong and when seing an injustice to look at a practical solution to aid them.

Do I use statues or other impelments? You will be shocked to know that it's to the user's taste. But Most Asatru, and other types of Pagans are a practical folk. No point in building images. The Gods have really no use for them nor do they ask them!! And in this day and age, we feel especially in the workplace that we shouldn't be intimidating with our ways, so a small pendant or some small paperweight with a rune, and voila. A silent prayer to our Gods, we don't see the point in bothering anyone.

Many of us pratice herbal lore, the artform of healing with herbs, but we are practical and many like myself have replaced it with a first aid course (With some minor enhancements here and there).
We strive to be self-reliant and surpass ourselves. We know were are only human, but that's no reason to be a stick in the mud.

Another aspect why I align myself with Thor, is his hammer. Think about it. A hammer is a tool. chiefly used for construction, not destruction. But it can still be used to defend your kin...very nice.
And so I emulate that attribute. By seeking to empower others and not harm them.

Well I hope this helps. Do keep asking questions. And remember, there are no stupid questions, only REALLY DUMB ANSWERS!!

The Pagan Wolf

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