JT: What's wrong with tracts TPW?

TPW: What's wrong with chick tracts she says! Besides being the most paranoid form of Christian tract ever invented, (Example: "The Last Generation", "Mark of the Beast") they have been also a trojan horse for hate and misinformation about other faiths.

Lately he has even started to pummel the heck out of Islam, in the SAME FASHION as he has done so back in the 80's and 90's about Paganism. His stance is far from loving, in fact he does the exact opposite. I find his credibility to be NIL

JT: Hey, so far as I know we still live in a free country. I would just walk away and let them talk into the air if I didn't want to hear it. I don't attend homosexual rallies or pagan meetings either.

TPW: But the problem is your street-preachers have this filthy habit of going where they are not wanted. Freedom of speech or not, I find in many occasions they have just plain bad taste. And the fact that many go out of their way to anger and insult the unbelievers speaks TONS of what they truly are.

JT: I don't doubt that you probably have some preternatural strength as Pharoahs wizards did everything Moses did until it came to the gnats but ultimately Pharoahs armies were drowned and God's people triumphed. It may be the rejection, possibly some of them are dealing with their own issues but God will cause them to overcome.

TPW: "prenatural" strenght? there you are giving me powers I don't have. Lemme point out I don't shape-shift, I don't control the elements and I certainly don't do blood-sacrifices (Unlike what Jack Chick claims), What I was reffering to was my own confidence in my own ways and the fact I believe in myself and understand who I am.

JT: I find the above to be a very arrogant statement, delusional in fact. What makes you think you have the last say in the natural life of a believer or their spiritual life? The Lord Jesus Christ knows those who are His and you are no match for Him. In that day the god you serve will cringe - he will run and hide and you will be left naked & powerless at the mercy of the one you have scorned.

TPW: Delusional? Far from it. I know with the strenght and knowledge that I possess about human nature, it comes with responsibility. With time I have learned to guage people and I can safely boast about being a fairly good judge of character.

If I know the person really is getting arrogant, Then I will humble them by showing them their weaknesses. Especially if they are the type who would harm others rather than help. But if that person only witnesses and gives me a tract, and I can easily tell that I would be the one harming them if I shatter that person's faith, well it wouldn't right.

You ask me what makes me think that I have the last word? When they practically relinquish it to me. Has that ever happened to you Judy? You have someone come up to you and give you practically their lives in your hands? You know the type Judy, you must have seen them in your church or at other rallies, or even at work. They are emotionally dependant on being reassured all the time that they are doing something right. Strip them away from their belief and they become emotional wrecks, some even become suicidal.

Of course my reaction to them is to try and boost their own self-confidence. How can they believe in any higher power, when they can't even believe in themselves?

As for you own supernatural threat, let me show you one thing about me that might send a shiver down your spine. Another aspect of Paganism is the cultivation of your own inner strenghts and gifts that were relinquished to you at birth. You say that my Diety would run away from yours. I find that funny, because it sounded like "I bet my dad could beat up your dad". But here's the truth. I don't intend to rely on any diety when it comes to my own life. I thank them for the gifts they have given me, but I will do the rest of my own accord.

I fight my own battles, and will not have that freedom taken away from be by giving up all responsability to others.

JT: This is true for us as well, surely you don't think we let it ALL hang out do you?

TPW: Judy, there are days when I encounter them, I do ask myself if your bethren don't do exactly that. I will say that you are quite good at bearing your witness and keeping your own core unexposed. A remarkable show of self-restraint.

JT: You can thank the street preachers for warning you - so that when it does happen the next time you will be without excuse. Your condition before the God of the Universe will be your own choice.

TPW: The only thing I am grateful of from dealing with street-preachers is the fact I took the time to devellop enough patience and humor to not become the grim, bitter individuals that I have seen over the years.


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